Good Friday in the morning, it has been in procession since the 18th century.

Start and finish at the church of Santa María Del Moral.

Processions: San Juan, María and Jesús Nazareno.

Reverences in the Plaza Mayor next to the Town Hall.

They are auctioned since: San Juan 1831, María 1820, Jesús Nazareno 1820

Route: streets, Rejadarada, Plaza Mayor, Plaza Ayuntamiento, Zamora, Triunfo, Plaza El Salvador, El Salvador, Plaza San Miguel, El Rosario, Nueva, Del Moral, Plaza Santa María, and Rejadarada. 

It has been in procession since the 18th century, documented in 1714, they do it under the Brotherhood of Jesús Nazareno until 1906 when the brotherhood disappears, it left the church of San Martín. first Mary and Jesus Nazarene, these two images at the beginning of the s. XIX began to be auctioned and in 1820 there is a record, 1831 San Juan was incorporated. to the procession and the auction(That the image that accompanies in the procession is Saint John the Baptist who has supplanted Saint John the apostle, he was the one who accompanied Mary on that morning of the first Good Friday). Since that year bows are made in the Plaza Mayor between them. Since 1953 it comes out of the church of Santa María. Jesús Nazareno is the most revered image in the town. In 1911, faced with an attempt to sell it, the neighbors started a riot at the gates of San Martín, which the Civil Guard had to intervene, until the neighbors made sure that no sold did not disperse.

The brotherhood of Jesús Nazareno was based in the church of San Martín, and must have arisen at the beginning of the 18th century. Thus in 1714 in the factory book of the aforementioned parish an inventory of liturgical objects is made and they are mentioned:

“ Some walks in which Our Lady comes out… some walks in which Jesus Nazareno comes out ”,

from which it can be deduced that even before that year the images of Jesus the Nazarene and of Mary, who comes out in the procession on Good Friday morning, were taken out in procession.

Author, photography, transcription and montage:

Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.

All text, photographs, transcription and montage, the rights belong to their authors, any type of use is prohibited without authorization.