Good Friday afternoon.

Start and finish, Santa María del Moral church.


Holy Burial (Recumbent Christ in his Urn) "the Urn".

The Piety "The Sorrows".

Our Lady of Sorrows "La Dolorosa", since 2008 is carried by the Brotherhood Our Lady of Sorrows.

Route: Streets, Rejadarada, Damas, Plaza San Pedro, Sacramento, Botica, Rejadarada, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Zamora, Triunfo, Rosario, Nueva, Moral, Plaza Santa María, Rejadarada.

It is celebrated and documented since s. XVII, only the Holy Burial (La Urna) paraded and Our Lady of Soledad (La Soledad) left from the church of San Pedro, the Civil Guard was escorting the Holy Burial until the 60s. XX, since 1906 it leaves from Santa María del Moral. 1959 ceases to possess Our Lady of Solitude (La Soledad) La Piedad (Las Angustias) and Our Lady of Sorrows (La Dolorosa) are included since 2008 this image is covered by the Brotherhood of Our Lady of pains. These last two images have been included in the auction since 1959.

Author, photography, transcription and montage:

Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.

All text, photographs, transcription and montage, the rights belong to their authors, any type of use is prohibited without authorization.