Villafáfila is located within the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, province of Zamora to the NE, in the region of Tierra de Campos, of the Campos-Pan agrarian region.



See bigger map


Judicial district of Villalpando.

Code of the municipality of Villafáfila 49242.

78 Inhabitants (2019) Men: 249, Women: 229 / 6.5 inhab./km².

Extension of 74km 2.   / 7,400 hectares.

Altitude of the municipality of Villafáfila: 690 m altitude.

Population Name: Villafáfileños/as.

Population Nickname: Gallants.

Geographic coordinates: North Latitude 41º 51'00" and West Longitude 5º55'40".

Altitude above sea level: 690 m.

Time zone UTC +1:00 (Europe/Madrid), Summer time : UTC +2:00, Winter time : UTC +1:00

Municipality of Villafáfila

Municipal term of Villafáfila


It limits with municipal terms:


North: San Agustin del Pozo


Northwest: Ravelins.


East: Villardiga.


To the Southeast: San Martín del Valderaduey and Cañizo.


South: Castronuevo and Villalba de la Lampreana.


 Southwest: Villarrín de Campos.


West: Santovenia. Northwest: Villaveza del Agua.

Municipalities bordering Villafáfila



Villaveza del Agua

Saint Augustine of the Well

Saint Augustine of the Well


Villarrin de Campos neighboring municipalities Saint Augustine of the Well



Villarrin de Campos Villarrin de Campos San Martin de Valderaduey



Nature Reserve: Villafáfila Lagoons. 32682, 7400 belonging to Villafáfila


Neighboring municipalities of Villafáfila
San Agustin del Pozo 4.4 km  Ravelins of Campos 6 km  Villarrin de Campos 6.2 km 
Vidayanes 7.4 km  Santovenia 8.5 km  Villaveza del Agua 9.5 km 
Tapioles 9.9 km  Barcial del Barco 10.4 km  Breto 10.9 km 
Moreruela Farm 11.1 km  San Esteban del Molar 11.2 km  Villalba de la Lampreana 11.9 km 
Cerecinos de Campos 12.1 km  Bretocino 12.3 km  San Martin de Valderaduey 12.4 km 
La Polvorosa Arches 12.7 km  Cañizo de Campos 12.9 km   
Villardiga 13 km  Lampreana Manganese 13.4 km   






Via the A-66 towards Zamora or Benavente, at the detour at exit 338 to the ZA-123, it links ZA-702 to La Tabla, from there the ZA-P-2315 towards Villafáfila.

From Zamora along the N-630 towards Benavente, passing the Moreruela Farm by three kilometres, the ZA-702 leaves for La Tabla, from there the ZA-P-2315 towards Villafáfila.

From Zamora by the CL-612, in the town of Castronuevo, taking the deviation towards the ZA-702 to Villarrín Campos and diverting to the ZA-704 towards Villafáfila.

On the A-6, towards Coruña-Madrid, at km 252, or towards Madrid-Coruña km 250, exit 251 to San Esteban del Molar, diverting onto the ZA-704 which leads directly to Villafáfila.

By the A-6 from the direction of La Coruña-Madrid exit 234 or direction Madrid-La Coruña exit 239, at the height of Villalpando by ZA-715 that leads directly to Villafáfila.


Map of Zamora, from where to arrive by: A VI - A- 66, N 630 CL 612



Zamora: 42 Km.

Benavente: 25 km.

Leon: 97 km.

La Baneza: 66 km.

Salamanca: 105 Km.

Valladolid: 100 Km.

Madrid: 250 Km.










Autor, fotografías, transcripción y montaje:

José Luis Domínguez Martínez. 


Todo texto, fotografías, transcripción y montaje, los derechos son pertenecientes a sus autores, queda prohibida sin autorización cualquier tipo de utilización.