Cover of the General Regulations of the Villafáfila Benevolent-Working Society


Article 1: This Society has the sole purpose, first of all, to establish the harmony and cordiality that must exist between neighbors; and secondly, to assist the members who constitute it in case of illness, this Company being oblivious to any political issue.


Article 2º: The partners are divided into founders and by number: founders are all those who register within the month of February of the year 1913, and by number those who verify it later.

Article 3 All males over the age of eighteen who are willing to work in their trade or profession will be admitted as founding members.

General Regulations of the Benevolent-Working Society, articles 1 to 3


Article 4º: Likewise, males over eighteen years of age who meet the conditions of the previous article will be admitted as full members.

Article 5º: Both the founding partners and the number ones, are divided into honorary and effective.

Article 6 Honorary members are those who, satisfying the quotas indicated in these Regulations, voluntarily renounce relief, and effective members, those who, after paying them, are entitled to them in the cases for which this Company is created.

Article 7º: Honorary number partners may not become cash until one year has elapsed since joining the company. After that period, they may become effective, provided they are within the age limits indicated in article 4.

Article 8º: Both number and honorary members will pay 10 pesetas as an entry fee. plus 3 ptas. when it is an extraordinary session remember. For both the quarterly fee will be 5 pesetas.

Article 9: The aid that the effective partners must receive is 6 pesetas. daily, for thirty days of illness.

Article 10 The aid is purely personal and non-transferable and in no case will it be received until the third day of illness.

Article 11: The effective partner who renounces relief, will do so for the benefit of the Company and the President at the first general meeting will express it to the satisfaction of the interested party.

Article 12. Fifteen days after dismissing the sick member in the town without having claimed relief, he loses the right and assumes that he renounces it in favor of the Company. The partner who is absent from the locality, will lose while absent, the right to relief.

Article 13º. To join this Company, it will be necessary to request it from the President, who together with the Board of Directors will resolve.

Article 14º. All partners must attend the General Meetings, the agreements reached therein being valid, regardless of the number of attendees. Non-attendance at the General Meetings will be punished in the following way: 1st Missing the first list will be spent half an hour after what was announced by the side, with 2 pesetas. Once the list is finished, those who were not present at their appointment will be called again and if they do not answer, they will pay 3 pesetas. 3rd. Those who do not sign the minutes of the Meeting will pay 5 pesetas. Barbers and shepherds are exempt from the obligation to attend, and the payment of fines.

General Regulations of the Benevolent-Working Society, articles 4 to 14



Article 15. These Regulations will be respected and complied with by all partners, and if practice shows the need or convenience to vary all or any of its parts, it will be done at the General Meeting, but must always preserve the spirit of the present.

Pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the modifications and existing and collected in the minute book will be submitted to the competent authority.


Article 16 For the highest regime and representation of the Company, a Board of Directors will be appointed, composed of a President, a Vice President, four members, a Treasurer and a Secretary.

Article 17 To be a member of the Board, it is necessary to know how to read and write, be over twenty-five years of age and have entered the company one year prior to said position.

Article 18º All the positions of the board will be renewed every year; If any of those who make up the Board could not perform their duties due to illness or absence, they will be replaced by the corresponding one.

Article 19 All positions on the Board are compulsory, honorary and free and, therefore, without the right to any remuneration.

Article 20 The individuals of the Board of Directors have the obligation to attend as many Meetings as the President calls them, provided that there is no just cause that prevents them from doing so.

Article 21 All members of the Board have a voice and a vote in any issues that arise, deciding the President in case of a tie and they can never reach agreements without a majority.

Article 22 The Board of Directors will call the General Meeting by edicts, placed in the usual places.

General Regulations of the Benevolent-Working Society, articles 15 to 22


Article 23º The payment of the fees will be quarterly, the Board of Directors being authorized to demand the payment of the fees from the partners, being able to sanction with 2 pesetas. fine to those who are not up to date.

Article 24º The election of the Board of Directors will be held in the General Meeting, on the last Sunday of December and the first day of January, this Board of its members will appoint the president.

Article 25 : The position of Custodian and Secretary are appointed by the Board of Directors.


Article 26 The President of the Company is responsible for respecting and enforcing the Regulations, enforcing the agreements and presiding over the sessions.

Article 27 The President will convene the Board of Directors and the General Meeting when he deems it appropriate, or when requested by a third of the members of the Board of Directors or a fourth of all the partners.

Article 28 The President will be the payment ordering officer, who will order a prior report from the doctor who supervises the member, and presentation of the receipt that certifies having paid all their fees, with the ability to order any payment in the absence of any of these requirements.

Article 29º In case of absence or illness of the President, the Vice President will be in charge of the Presidency and in his absence the first member and so on.


Article 30 For the proper organization of the Company and ease of administration, four members will be appointed and entitled: 1st member, 2nd member, 3rd member and 4th member.

Article 31º A quarterly member will be appointed who will be in charge of receiving the fees of all the partners, entering these in the Depository every month.

Article 32 The quarterly member will be in charge of informing the President of the overdrafts.


Article 33º The depositary will have in his possession a box that will contain the funds of the Company, this box being closed by three different keys, which will be in the possession of the President, the Depositary and the Secretary, giving a detailed account to the President every two months at the Directive and every four to the general state of the funds.

General Regulations of the Benevolent-Working Society, articles 23 to 33


Article 34 The Custodian will be responsible for payments made without the due formalities and the provisions of article 37 of these Regulations.


Article 35 The secretary is obliged to clearly form the current charge and date with all the receipts, attend the Meetings and take minutes of them.

Article 36º Submit every two months to the Board of Directors a balance of the state of the funds.

Article 37 The payment order that is made will be signed by the Secretary, with the approval of the President.

Article 38º Render in the month of June and December of each year a general account approved by the Board of Directors and submitted to the approval of the General Meeting.


Article 39 No help will be given to the member who fails to pay his fee for a month, who falls ill due to quarrel, due to drunkenness, due to excess in the lifestyle or due to immoral vices.

Article 40º Nor will any help be given to the member who suffers erosion, or contusion.

Article 41 Similarly, no assistance will be given to the member who, being ill, does not inform the Board within the third day of declaring his illness by the physician so that it may be approved.

Article 42º The member who is discharged from the Company or who voluntarily withdraws from it, loses all his rights, not having him to return the paid fees.

Article 43 Anyone who fails three times to respect the President and members of the Board of Directors will be expelled, acting within the Regulations and whenever it concerns matters concerning the Company.

General Regulations of the Benevolent-Working Society, articles 34 to 43


Article 44 Anyone who is proven to have feigned illness will also be expelled from the Company. The proof of this pretense will be carried out through the surveillance of two partners sent by the President in case of suspicion. These two partners will act as inspectors and the statements that they make in conscience about this pretense will be considered proof of truth by deciding the President.

Article 45 All partners, without exception, are obliged when one of them dies to accompany the body to the cemetery under a fine of 25 pesetas. that will be effective whenever the lack of assistance is not fully justified.

Article 46º To accompany the corpse to the cemetery, it will be done in correct formation and under the direction of the President.

Article 47º In case of dissolution of this Society, the funds that exist will be distributed among the existing partners, deducting a third part for the most needy poor.

Article 48 It will be optional for the Board in case of sudden death of a partner who has not received a pension, to give the family a prudent amount for burial expenses.

The mortuary box of every member of number who dies will be donated by the Society.

Article 49º : The member who is called to attention in any formation for his incorrect formation or for talking will be fined 2 pesetas.

Article 50 Every member has the obligation to acquire the new Regulations and insignia.

Article 51º This Society will have as its emblem a flag with the national colors, with an inscription that will say: “SOCIEDAD BENÉFICO-OBRERA DE VILLA Á FILA”.

Article 52 The domicile of this Company is located in the Town Hall, Plaza de la Constitución in this Villa, due to the current lack of premises.

General Regulations of the Benevolent-Working Society, articles 35 to 52


APPROVAL.-  These Regulations were approved at the General Meeting on March 11, 1913 and reformed on June 18, 1914; being approved by the Civil Governor of the Province on March 12, 1913 and the reform on June 23, 1914.

Approved, for the purposes of the Ministry of Labour, by Order of the General Directorate of Welfare of this date and registered in the Special Registry of Montepíos and Mutualities with number 2,392.

Madrid May 11, 1957.

The head of the Section of Montepíos and Mutualities.

General Regulations of the Benevolent-Working Society, Approval 1957



Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.



General Regulations of the Workers' Benevolent Society 1957.

Approved, for the purposes of the Ministry of Labour, by Order of the General Directorate of Welfare of this date and registered in the Special Registry of Montepíos and Mutualities with number 2,392.

Madrid May 11, 1957.


Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.


Transcription and montage:

Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.


All text, photographs, transcription and montage, the rights belong to their authors, any type of use is prohibited without authorization.