When the visitor arrives in town, he finds that on certain occasions he loses important concepts in the conversations that the townspeople hold. This is because they use old Spanish words or give another meaning to existing words. The purpose of this dictionary is to make known the language with which the people of this beautiful town express themselves, which in many cases coincides with the vocabulary used in other towns in the area.

If you know of any word, do not hesitate to tell us and its meaning, we will add it, send it to:

Abate you: Come on, you

Abrigao: Coat, place where it is not cold and the sun shines in cold season

burn : burn

Abuyaco: balls that give the oaks

Couch: lean on the shoulder, in the dictionary of the RAE it appears but that way to couch

Acusica: that you accuse someone, informer

Adobe: mud brick and straw

Afanar: that something has been stolen

Photo : Portrait. (I have a photo of you).

Hold on: hurry up to do something. (Ex. come hold on to eat) the dictionary of the RAE does not contemplate that meaning

Acute : Quick. (I'm going sharp I'm in a hurry).

Salmar needle: Needle with a flattened tip that is used to sew bags, sacks and farming tools.

Godfather : Underbelly. (It hurts me here in the godson!).

Sharpen: sharpen, sharpen the dictionary applies the same meaning

Cupboard: hole in the wall closed with a door to store something

Alberchigo : Apricot.

Dress : To season a food.

Almendruco : Almond.

Lunch : Amount of grain that is taken with folded hands to feed the animals. (Give him a couple of lunches!).

Allanadero : Wooden wedge that is placed in the Roman plow and the rudder held by the vilortas.

Bitter : Intention to do something. (Feints but does not give).

Amolar : Annoy, do a job. (Don't grind man!)

Amores : Herb skewers. (You have many loves nailed!). To Ale!: Hello, how are you?

grind: break, spoil

Amonar: bend down

Amonar: action of amonar

get angry: get angry

The day before yesterday : Yesterday.

Antier : The day before yesterday.

Goggles : Glasses.

Antiojos: glasses that people with tired eyesight put on to be able to carry out delicate work or to read

Add : Add water to the pot, pot. (add water to the pot we ran out of broth!).

Añusgar : Choke

Apamplao: said of the person or also applied to animals when they are down or without encouragement

A peto: go to process to do something.

Retching : Throw back, vomit. (They make me gag!).

Arista : Filament of the ear of wheat or other cereals that comes out of the grain.

Arrancar : Start something. (Don't start this!).

Arramar: spread, throw, throw the contents of a container to the ground

Arranar : denomination of something that supports too much weight, that takes the form of the frog

Arrañal: land dedicated to the cultivation of animal fodder

Arrayar : Aim playing mus or ball, pediment. (Who arraya!).

Attentan : They touch.

Atasbar : See far away. (It seems that something is glimpsed there).

Ato : Clothes. (Change your ato!).

Atollar : Fill to the top.

Atragalaperra: Carry out actions or tasks with urgency and excessive haste.

Atroje : Place where the grain is left in the panera (wheat, barley, etc.).

Trap: Invent or concoct excuses, in order to confuse and confuse   people's conversations, explanations or reasoning.

Atropos:  Deceptions, traps and inventions.

Sizzling : Getting dizzy in the brazier; get angry.

Aatusar : To comb one's hair, to groom oneself.

up : get up

Arrebañar : to slice (Snatch that they are chestnuts!).

Arrecular : Go backwards.

Arromacos: carantoñas, camelos

Collapse : Fall down, collapse. (That wall has collapsed!).

Atruchar: go through a stream puddle etc. instead of going around to arrive before

get stuck: get stuck in mud

Aviao: to be collected, ordered, is used in an ironic sense to define the expression to be dressed up, the dictionary gives another meaning

Baba: You are drooling!

Baby: Overalls

Ryegrass: Gramineous grass weed. (You're tougher than ryegrass lastra!)

Baldao : Tired .... very tired

Baruto: person aimlessly, lost

Welcome. purridera : said of the tool used to collect the straw

Berrete: Stain that is generally found on the face. (Take off that beret!).

Boja: blister that comes out when something rubs or burns you

BOLIDE: Car. (Nice racing car you have!).

BLOOM: Long pants gathered below. (He's already wearing baggy pants!).

Bocarón: window of a haystack

BOOO!: Word used by mules to turn.

MUZZLE: Device that is put on the cavalries in the snout so that they do not eat. (That one doesn't have a muzzle).

BRAMANTE: String used to sew farming implements.

Brush: dirt. undergrowth

Buche: stomach ("to have a full crop")

BUCHE: Viche, little donkey.

Good!: See you later (it is the answer to ALE)

Bufa: refer to it being cold, or wind blowing, sound like a buzz

Bufarrina: small rain txirimiri is also called "calabobos"

CABO DE ANO : Mass that is said to a deceased a year after his death

CABEZÓN : Belt to hold the cavalry. (That one doesn't have a bobblehead or needs a bobblehead!).

Cacha: abbreviation for cachava

Cachava: stick or cane curved at the top

CACHUEIA : Gizzard of the hens.

Cachuscas: boots for water, catiuscas

Cancina: young sheep

CACIQUE : Meticon.

CAGAJÓN : Excrement of the horses, mules, donkeys, etc.

CAGALITA : Excrement of sheep, goats, rabbits.

FALLEN : Debt interest.

STILL : to get wet. (Don't go out, it's raining and you're going to get soaked).

CALZA : Piece of cast iron that is placed under the body of the Roman plow so that it does not wear out.

CALZAR : Add iron to the bars of the Roman plow. (You have to go to the forge to put on shoes because there is no iron for tomorrow).

GATE : Door to enter the house (the 2nd). (Close the gate!).

Candonga: smooth and cunning

CANTERO : Soap made by hand with fats and soda that was used to wash by hand in the trough.

CAÑADÓN : Ceramic container (clay) used by shepherds for milking.

CAÑIZO : Wooden fence that, joined together, form a sheepfold in which the sheep are enclosed in the field

CARCAMAL : Old, ailing. (You're made a wretch!).

LOAD : Go to the pipe for a load of water with four pitchers in the aguadetas and a packsaddle on the donkey

Cadriles: area of ​​the back in humans at the height of the kidneys and that hurts when working for a long time crouching

Shit: diarrhea

Cagalita: droppings of sheep

Cacha: cane curved at one end to be able to catch it, and used as a point of support for shepherds and people with physical problems, the dictionary gives it another meaning

Cauldron: small bucket with an almost hemispherical floor, and with a handle attached to two rings at the mouth, the dictionary calls it Cauldron = Cauldron

Colostrums: Colostrum first milk of mammals at calving

Caneco: Porcelain bowl, plate with handle used for water

Canjilón: name given to each of the containers that raise the water in the waterwheel

Tired: tired

Edge: stone

Icicle: ice produced by frost

Rails: paths made by the habit of always passing through that site to a certain place

Cascarilluda: the earth is called when it has rained and a crust is created when it dries

Catiuscas: type of rubber boots

BED : The one with the bed.

CAVILAR : To think. (That matter gave me a lot to ponder!).

PIN : Holes in the tiller of the plow where the pin is inserted. (Extends a pegbox.)

CEBADERA : Sack cloth container that is put on the animals (mule) in the field, around the head, with barley and straw to eat. (Put the feeder on it!).

Cazcarrias: Chorreras dirty part of the cows, usually in the hindquarters, which is the side they lie down to rest -mud stuck to the soles of the shoes for having stepped on it

Cernada: ash from the fire

CERRIL : Untamed, rough. (You're wild!).

CESORIA : Back door. (Where is the rock?, in my mother's cessory

CANDLE : thick candle

Chacullar: stir the content of a liquid (eg Cola-Cao)

Cheira: smells, smells, from Galician chaira : knife

Chichas: minced and spicy meat prepared for the chorizo ​​but that is eaten by making it in the pan

Chiscar: light with the lighter

Chiscar: Light a match or lighter

spark plug: lighter

Chito: voice given to scare dogs, the dictionary does not call it as such

CLUECA : Hen that is thrown in the eggs with temperature

COMARCAL : Paneras of the National Wheat Service where said product was carried.


CORTAPISA : Finish off that is done on the floor of the rooms when the wall is jagged.

CASCORRÓN : Blow to the head. (What a bump I've given myself!).

COTUDILLOS : Bones of the pig's legs.

GROWTH : When it rains a lot and the water runs down the ditch.

BARRACKS : Part of the land that falls to a rancher to take advantage of the gleaning area in the summer.

CUESCO : Uncle of the olives. (We play pegs!); fart. (What a cusco you've thrown!).

Cisco: to make the brazier

Crankshaft: Mechanism consisting of levers with stone counterweight to draw water from wells

Girth: leather strap used to tie horses below the belly, to the shot, whether it is a car or a farming implement (plough, rodadero, etc.) exists in the dictionary

Colingar: hang, suspend something from a rope

Collar: cavalries are put on the neck to hook the shots and pass the branches (reins)

Quadroon. little door of some windows or small window embedded in a door

Shingles: herpes caused by a smallpox outbreak in adulthood with a snake-like shape that surrounds the body or extremities in humans

Cuzo/a: person who likes to find out everything "gossip"

CUEZO : Wooden manger where the mules ate in the threshing floor in the summer.

BIRD ASS : You're naked!

SINGLE : Burn, after killing the pig for the family slaughter, you have to singe it well with brooms or reeds (now rye straw) so that later the torreznos have a good taste.

SINGER : Small fire that cannot be seen but can be smelled. (Raises the skirts that smells of singe).

FLIP FLOPS : Sandals.

CHEIRA : Razor. (Good cheira you have!).

CHICO DE ERAS : Boy who threshes the threshing floor and supplies food to the muleteers.

CHICHARRONES : Pieces of pork meat that remain after removing the lard.


SCREAMER : New bird. (You're a screamer!).

CHINA : Small stone. (Wait, I've got a china in my shoe!).

CHINESCO : Suit or dress of striking color.

SCREAK : Make an annoying noise. (How that door squeaks!).

CHIRIPA : By chance. (You have seen me from Chiapa).

CHISCAR : Turn on. (Spark the fire!).

SPARK : Rain a little. (I'm going fast because he's sparkling).

CHEATHS : Hooves. (They even eat cheetahs from pigs!).

CHITAZO : Stumble.

CHUCIAR : Fine and cold rainwater. (He is chucking).

Descuajaringarse: to break

APRON : Apron.

DISFIGURED : It has been hit and has been disfigured!

DESOLLON : Make a breakdown. ( What a shame you have prepared !)

DIÑAR : To die. (He has diñau them !).

DOMAU : To bend, to split. (This pen has been tamed sir master)

Derrangao: way of walking carrying a load on the back that makes the legs bend

Divert: separate

EMBOZO : Fold with decoration of the top sheet of the bed. (Take out the shroud well!).

Emina: unit and measure for cereals and legumes

ENCANIJAU : Shrunken

Encetar: to start something (usually food)

Encordar: ringing of bells that is done when someone has died in the town

Endilgar: Hit a whip with your hand, it is also used to say that they have given something to someone that was not to their liking

Endubillar: To take something or someone ahead violently, to hit someone

get angry: get angry

DECEIVE : Attract a person in an affective way; scam.

Enratar: entangle Liar. (You're getting rattled, you don't get out of the conversation! You get tangled up!).

ENTANGLE : Play. (Now I'm going to mess around!).

wrap: roll up

Escañeta: it is an elongated bench with a backrest in which several people can sit

Escuchimizao: very thin person

Esmirriao: thin person

Esmorriarse: hit in the nose

Shearing.: small bell with a sharp ring used to summon the faithful to mass. It is also used to name the act of shearing cattle, as a derivation of the word

Esquilón: cowbell that animals carry with a wooden clapper and emits a sharp sound (eg heel heel)

In ca Maria: At the house of ....

Entone: bury, cover

Entornar: fall to the ground

NUMB : Unable to move. (I'm numb!).

ESBARRIAR : Leave the subject in question. (Don't get bogged down!).

ESCACHAR : Spoil. (This has leaked!).

ESCALABAR : Make a wound in the head with a song or stone. (He has scaled me!).

scald : to burn (I have put my hands in that hot water and I have scalded them).

SCARBAR : Enliven the fire by moving it with the badil or the tongs. (Dig the fire if you stay cold).

ESCOCERA : I run of weed (grass) that grows in the field.

ESCORZUELO : Grain of wheat without leaving the bag. (This wheat has foreshortening).

SPIT : Saliva, (you have spit on me)

ESGANITAR : To speak very loudly.

ESPAVILAU : Vivales.

Frighten : scare.

ESPARABANES : Do strange things.


SPLUJED : Disheveled. (Where have you been with how shaggy you come).

ESTACADA : You have left me in the lurch!; You have stayed on the site!

ESTACAZO : Give a blow.

YARN : Wool. (My mother made me a very nice worsted jacket).

ESTARTALAR : To spoil. (My car is startalau!).

ESTERCAR : Paying a plot with organic fertilizer. It is done by car making small piles of garbage to later spread them out and with sheep laying the hurdles and changing places every day.

SPLASHES : Splinters.

STRETCH : Pull. (Stretch the rope, rubber...).

ESTRAGAR : Eat a lot.

ESTRIBAR : Support.

ESTROZAO : Shattered, disfigured.

Espetar: Stick a pointed object. say something to the face

Stamp : hit and knock someone to the ground (I'll give you an H.. and stamp you)

ESTURAR   :  to stick the food, to burn because all the liquid has evaporated.

FALAR : Speak. ( And you, what are you doing! )

Fardela: trela sack used to store flour

Farruco: bully and stubborn

FATO : Fool, idiot; odor. ( You have a good fate! )

FATÍCO to denominate the innocent and poor in spirit (Ex. ah silly don't be fato, don't be fooled)

FIGURIN : Mannequin.

FILTIRÉ : To embroider a garment to be filtered.

FISGAR : Look. watch. ( What are you snooping! )

FORASTERO : That is not from the town or is outside the town. (This is a stranger or is a stranger).

Fréjoles: tender beans

fruit tree: tree that bears fruit

Fuchiqueras: dirty snouts from eating something

FUGARSE : To leave, to escape, to leave.

FUNCTION : Festival of the town. (I am going to the town function).

Furrulate: function

GALGA Rope that is placed in the large laps of chorizo ​​so that they do not break .


CHICKEN ROOM : place where hens and roosters are kept, Upper part in the movie theater. ( I'm going to the chicken coop! ).

ROOSTER : What is thrown to greater after the measure, especially in milk. ( You have not cast a rooster! ).

Gamusino: mythological animal

Galbana: reluctance


Garliborliao: ornately decorated

GAZNATE : Throat.

Gulusmear: eat sweet things

Sheaf: bundle of cereal (wheat, barley) recently harvested and placed in piles (sheaves)

Gutifarra: sausage composed of marinated meat and bones in the area of ​​the bierzo called botillo

Guinchas : Farm implement similar to the hoe but with sharp points used to dig the caked manure

GRANA : alfalfa seed. Movie censorship. (It is grana, not authorized for minors).

BIG : Very big person.

GÜERA : Slime that stays white at the ends of the lips.

Grunt: Sound that pigs emit when food is thrown at them

Gruñir: to complain about something for no reason

Hayga: hay from the verb to have

HATERO : Boy who brings food to the harvesters to the stubble on a donkey with waterholes.

HEMINA : Measurement of weight or surface; half bushel

HERRADAS : Buckets to draw water from the well.

BOIL : Somewhat distracted. ( You're missing a boil! ).

SNIFFLES : Sweep the fire so that it is collected. ( Put those snouts! ).

LEAF and SPIKE : What shepherds pay farmers for taking advantage of pastures and stubble. (Go collect from the Brotherhood, who already pay the bill and spike).

SKIN : Skin of the fruit.

FORK : Work tool to move the harvest or the straw in the threshing floor, it can be made of iron or wood teeth.

FOOTPRINT : Time that a heap is being threshed between torna and torna. (You have to give a footprint to the heap before eating).

HUESQUE : Rude word released by a person, taco. ( Go huesque that has said that! ).

HURGAR : Touch, grope. ( Don't poke her, she's a girl and she loses! ).

HONDA : Rope with which pigs are weighed. (How much does the pig weigh, have you discounted the sling? Take a kilo off the sling! ).

Chimney: part of the chimney, open the chimney so that air enters and fuels the fire

Iruta: burp
jarring: to break

Jato/a: young of the cows

Jispio: firm, espetado, hustler

Lambrión: greedy, who spends the day eating

then: Now, even if it seems like a contradiction

fire: fire

Lusmio: greedy

Machón: beam used for load in constructions, plank about five meters long and ten centimeters thick used for construction as platforms

Mancarse: hurt yourself, mainly in the arm

Apron: apron used by women to avoid dirtying their clothes, not only in the kitchen but also in agricultural tasks

mañizo: bunch

Meda: heap of bundles of wheat, barley, or rye, stacked 

Meluca: worm to fish, earthworm

Miagar: meow, voice of the cat

Misino: cat

Mocho/a: adjective given to the horned animal that lacks antlers

Mochar: blow given with the head (or horns) by the bull or the cow

Wet: sauce

Morale: bramble. pinkish shrub, whose fruit is the blackberry

Morceña: remains of the fire (fire) that are expelled through the air

Niales: leftovers ("don't leave niales!!", referring to food)
ear muffs shovels that the Roman plow carries in the grate that serve to pour the earth to one side, (the so-called moldboards)
graze: graze

Lever: square stick, used to block the doors, normally the rear ones or large doors, through which the cart entered

Basin: circular ceramic container or can used to wash the face when there was no running water

Basin: to put the basin

Panera: warehouse or building to store grain

Pardal: sparrow

Parva: Pile of straw and threshed grain but not separated

paste : magpie

Pejiguero: heavy, tiresome

Pelliza: garment made or lined with fine skins

Fishing: fish (an abbreviation)

neck : neck

Peruco: variety of the pear (small pear)

Pescozón: colleja, hit with the palm of the hand on the back of the neck

Pilipitrusco/a: person in a state of joy due to alcohol

Basin: large basin built in the fountains that was used as a watering hole for animals or for common laundry

Pingajo: rag hanging from somewhere

earpiece: ice that hangs from the roofs in winter when there are many frosts

Pingo: person who goes out too much and dedicates little to his work

Paint: it starts to rain

Pita: Hen

Pitarro: small sausage

Pitera: hole

Pistonudo: exaggerated bungling

Pota: Oval-shaped casserole used to cook potatoes

Pot: iron container with three legs, with a spherical shape at the bottom and a cylindrical shape at the top with a lid, it is used to cook food in the fire (a familiar saying, "I am going to raise the pot")

Pozaleta: large circular tin container with handles used to collect water or clothes

Pigsty to confine the pigs in the house

Purridera: said of the tool used to collect the straw

Ralo: Separated from each other, -which has little hair

Rapacious: fam, raptor, child deformation of the word

rebullir : to move inside something

Reguero: channel, stream via where the water circulates

Retrincar: to crunch something inside the mouth when biting

Respingar: (to strive) to breathe deeply making an effort Robér: to gnaw

Ristra: From lat. restula, dim. from restis, rope). Riestra. Ristra appears as main and Riestra as synonym. ,,,, string of sausages, garlic braid, onions prepared to be displayed for sale or hung for conservation

Knee: Napkin, rag

Salton: insect, grasshopper

Salvao: Bran, cereal husk, used to feed animals (potatoes are cooked and mixed with the bran)

Saints: Illustrations from the Books

Siesta: take a nap

Sip: absorb with the mouth some kind of liquid (usually broth)

Sorniar: Breathe inward with force to try to intimidate someone, with "sneer"

Sopapo: smack

Tabas: children's game that was played with bones

Talega: wicker basket, container

Tamboril: drum

Looms: useless junk is also called the tool for weaving

Tertiar: third pass with the plow to leave the land ready for tillage, take

Lump: hard caked earth

Teso: low hill

Tito: stone of a fruit

Tizón: ember of the fire already extinguished

Toquilla: garment similar to the shawl, made of wool, used by women to protect themselves from the cold

Ternilla: cartilage

Torba: whirlpool that drags grit and straw

Tornadera: shovel with wooden spikes used to turn threshing, grass (hay) etc.

Gobbler: eat to gulp or eat without stopping, without breathing...

lock: close a door

TRAPACERO Liar, liar or liante person. 

Fret: something useless and that gets in the way

Ube: I was about to... (eg: I was riding the bike over the bridge and I was going to fall into the river... I was riding the bike over the bridge and I was about to fall into the river)
Vara: long stick used to hang sausages the dictionary contemplates the word but not with this meaning
Zancajo: heel of the socks, stockings...

Zarcera: chimney of the cellars

Zascandil: person who does not stop still

Dunce: clumsy

Zurria: beating



Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.



Author: Gerardo González Calvo.

Colloquial Words and Expressions Pajares de la Lampreana (Zamora). Year of edition: 2000.


Photographs and maps:

Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.


Transcription and montage:

Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.


All text, photographs, transcription and montage, the rights belong to their authors, any type of use is prohibited without authorization.

All text and photography has been authorized for storage, treatment, work, transcription and assembly to José Luis Domínguez Martínez, its dissemination on, and any other means that is authorized.