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The church of Santiago was located to the north of Villafáfila, possibly in what was the Plazuela del Crucifijo (today part of Calle Rejadarada), just behind the church of Santa María del Moral.
From 1155 to 5 January, the church of Santiago [1] is cited for the first time . Well, in 1155 the emperor Alfonso VII, makes a new donation or confirmation of it, together with an estate and half of the Santiago church in Villafáfila to the monastery of Eslonza: “facio kartam donacionis seu hereditary of Uilla Fafila that is my own ereditas, and illa prenominata monastery Sancte Marie tota ab integra et medietati Sancti Iacobi” [2] . “I make a letter confirming the donation or inheritance of Villafáfila, which is my own inheritance, and the whole monastery mentioned Santa María and a half of San Santiago”.
REAL DOCUMENTS. XIV. Vincent Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV. page 27 and 28. Donation of estates in Villa Fafila granted by Alfonso VII to the monastery of Eslonza. 5 January. A.1155. "XPS. Principium scripti fiat sub nomine Christi. Sub nomine sancte et indiuidue Trinitatis Patris uidelicet et FiIii ac Spiritus Sancti amen. Ego Adefonso imperatore una cum coniuge mea imperatrice dompna Richa facio kartam donacionis seu comfirmacionis Deo omnipotenti et beato Petro de Eslonza nec non et abbati dompno Petro ceteroque conuentui fratrum sub regula Sancti Benedicti ibidem Deo seruiencium tam presencium quam futurorum, de hereditate de UilIa Fafila que est mea propria ereditas, et illa prenominata monastery Sancte Marie tota ab integra et medietati Sancti Iacobi, et hoc facio ob remedium anime mee et matris mee et parentum meorum tam uinorurn quam defunctorum. Habet enin iacenciam supra nominata uilla inter Oter de Frates et Furtunola et Terrones. By way of nobis illam sicuti superius dixi dono et concedo ab integro cum omnibus directuris suis sen appendiciis, casis, terris cultis et incultis et solaribus et uineis et pratis et fontibus, et pascuis, et egressibus et regressibus, per ubiqumque illam potueritis inuenire ista et alia que Deus dederit uobis donata uel conparata, et pro ista hereditate non faciatis nullum forum nisi ubi uolueritis, habeatis, possideatis, donetis, et omnem uoluntatem uestram de ea faciatis per infinite seculorum secula amen. Si quis uero quod fieri non creedo contra hoc factum meun spontaneum ad disrrumpendum uenerit sit maledictus et excomunicatus, et cum Datan et Abiron quos uinos terra obsorbuit infernal penalties luat, et in super huic qui uocem huius kartule pulsauerit centum pounds auri purissimi exsoluat, et quod in calumpnia miserit in duplo componat, et hoc meun scriptum semper meneat firmun. habeatis, possideatis, donetis, et omnem uoluntatem uestram de ea faciatis per infinite seculorum secula amen. Si quis uero quod fieri non creedo contra hoc factum meun spontaneum ad disrrumpendum uenerit sit maledictus et excomunicatus, et cum Datan et Abiron quos uinos terra obsorbuit infernal penalties luat, et in super huic qui uocem huius kartule pulsauerit centum pounds auri purissimi exsoluat, et quod in calumpnia miserit in duplo componat, et hoc meun scriptum semper meneat firmun. habeatis, possideatis, donetis, et omnem uoluntatem uestram de ea faciatis per infinite seculorum secula amen. Si quis uero quod fieri non creedo contra hoc factum meun spontaneum ad disrrumpendum uenerit sit maledictus et excomunicatus, et cum Datan et Abiron quos uinos terra obsorbuit infernal penalties luat, et in super huic qui uocem huius kartule pulsauerit centum pounds auri purissimi exsoluat, et quod in calumpnia miserit in duplo componat, et hoc meun scriptum semper meneat firmun. Facta Harta donacionis seu confirmacionis in Era M. a CLXXXXIII et quotum VIII Kalendarum Februarii. Iacinto Sancte romane aecclesiae kardinali et legato tenente generale conciliun apud Ualle Oleti. Adefonso imperatore prevailante cum coniuge sua imperatrice dompna Richa, Legione, Toleto, Castella, Gallacia, Naiara, Saragoza, Baencia, et Almaria. Maiordompnus Imperatoris Comes dompnus Poncius. Ensign eiusdem imperatoris Nuno Petriz. Existing episcopo in Oueto dompno Martino et in Legione dompno Iohanne et in Astorice Petrus episcopus. Maiordomus imperatoris in terra Legionis, Petrus Balzan. Tenente Turres Legionis, Pontius of Minerua. Ego Adefonso imperatore quod fieri iussi propria manu confirmo. Signum Imperatoris. Ego Rege Sancio confirmed. Imperatrice Richa conf. Rege Fredinando conf. Comes Poncius conf. Comes Ramirus conf. Comes Osorius conf. Comes Petrus Alfonsi conf. Iohannes nottuit." [3] .
“XPS. Principiun are written must be in the name of Christ. By name, namely, the Son of the Father, and the Holy Spirit, the holy and indivisible Trinity, amen. I Alfonso the emperor, together, with my wife the empress Dña. Richa will make a letter, of the donation, that is, we confirm Almighty God, and blessed Pedro, from Eslonza, as well as the abbot were Sir Peter, the rest of the community of brothers under the Rule of San Benito there are those who serve God, both of the present and of the future, of the inheritance of the esteem of Villafáfila, which is my own inheritance, and the whole monastery mentioned Santa María and half of San Santiago and make this a cure for my soul and my mother and my parents both joined the deceased. A town called Oter de los Hermanos has been mentioned previously and Furtunela put this, and horror. In the way that they have it as we have to give and grant the whole with all directuris of it or appendiciis, lavender, cultivated and uncultivated lands and plots and vineyards, meadows, fountains and pastures, and the outputs and incomes through ubiqumque that you can find the names and other freely given, or that are compared with those that God has given to you, except when there is no market, and you do not make any of the inheritance of which you wish to return to this, in your midst; enter and possess, so that you forgive yourselves, and make of it, by means of an infinite number of your own, and all that you wanted, for ever, amen. If anyone, however, who cannot depend otherwise, this is secretly made a freewill offering to the willing him come, he shall be cursed, and excommunicated, and, with Dathan and Abirom, There is a gift letter or the confirmation of the era M. to CLXXXXIII and the number 8 of January. Jacinto Santa Romana Iglesia Kardinale and ambassador general lieutenant held a council, apud ualle Oleti. Alfonso reigning emperor, with his wife the empress Dña. Richa, León Toledo, Castilla, Galicia, Navarra, Zaragoza, Baencia and Almería. Maiordompnus count Emperor Count D. Poncius. Lieutenant of the same columns emperor Nuno Pétriz. Existing bishop in Oueto D. Martino and León D. Juan, and in Astorga Bishop Pedro. Maiordomns Mayordomo emperor land León, Pedro Balzan. Tenente torres León, Poncius de Minura. I Emperor Alfonso ordered that it be done by his own hand I confirm. Signum Imperatoris. I Rey Sancho confirm. Empress Richa confirmed. King Ferdinand confirmed. Count Poncius confirmed. Count Ramiro confirmed. Count Osorio confirmed. Count Pedro Alfonso confirmed. Juan notuit.” [4] . 1165 the monastery of Eslonza arose lawsuits over some possessions, they already had to reach an agreement with the bishop of Astorga in which they sign an agreement on July 8 to avoid controversies over the possession of the church of Santiago, half of which belonged to them, with the other owner [5] .
PARTICULAR DOCUMENTS. XCIII. Vincent Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XCIII. pages 148 and 149. Agreement letter granted by the monastery of Eslonza on the one hand and Miguel Arias y Román, clergyman, on the other, on the church of Santiago de Villafáfila July 8. A.1165 “XPS. In nomine Domini nostri Ihesu Christi amen, Notum est omnibus morantibus in Lampreana et in Uillafafila quod ecclesie sancti Jacobi qui est in eadem uilla est comunis inter monasterium sancti Petri Elisonzie et Michaelem Arias et Romanum clericum et suos heredes scilicet medietas ipsius ecclesie est predicti monasterii et alia medietas iam dictorum heredum. Ne itaque insequentibus temporibus inter predicti monasterii monachos et prenominatos heredes aliqua controuersia super iam dicta sancti Jacobi ecclesia debeat oriri aut si orta fuerit de facili rationabiliter possit decidi placuit utrisque conuenientiam in die consecrationis ipsius ecclesie unanimiter et concorditer in presentia Domini Ferdinandi astoricensis ecclesie antireuerendi etiam et mandate eius factam in scripto redigere. Est autem hoc conuientia uidelicet ut capellanum in iam nominata ecclesia sancti Jacobi monachi et heredes uel eorum successores uel communiter prouideant uel ipsius ecclesie officia per totum annum medietatem monachi et aliam medietatem heredes corapleri equaliter faciant. Simliter quicquid in primiciis decimis oblationibus mortuorum laxationibus et in omnibus aliis beneficiis predicte ecclesie sancti Jacobi prouenerint data prius tercia decimarum astoricensi ecclesie monachi et heredes pro medium diuidant hoc tamen obseruato de comuni consensu ut ecclesia sancte Marie que iuxta ipsam ecclesiam sancti Jacobi est propter quam in parrochianis grauamen aliquod seu detrimentum nec paciatur nec inferat. Facta conuenientia VIº ides Julii Era M. a CC. to III. aRegnante rege dompno Fernando cum regina domna Urracha in Legione Toleto Gallecia et Asturiis. Committee dompno Nunno et Fernando Roderici tenentibus Uillam Fafilam. Dompno Fernando astoricensium episcopo. Qui presente fuerunt uiderunt et audierunt. Michael Petriz conf. Iohannes Petriz cont. Dominicus Petriz conf. Petrus de Legione conf. Pelagius Iohanuis conf. Iohannes Iohannis conf. Petrus Iuliani conf. Yspanus conf. Fernandus Martini conf. Petro ts. Iuhanne ts. Pelagius ts. Facundus notuit. ✠ ” [6] .
“XPS. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ Anión. It is well known to all those who live in Lampreana and Villafáfila that the church of Santiago that is in the same town is common to the Monastery of Eslonza and to the clergyman Miguel Arias y Román and his heirs, that is to say, that half of the same church is of the predicted Monastery of San Pedro and the other half of the said heirs. Thus, so that in the future between the monks of the aforementioned monastery and the aforementioned heirs no controversy should originate over the aforementioned church of Santiago, or if it has already arisen it can be resolved reasonably easily, it has seemed good to some and others unanimously draft in writing, on the day of the consecration of the same church, an agreement made before the Reverend Don Fernando, Bishop of the Church of Astorga, and with his advice and mandate. And this agreement is as follows: That the chaplain of the already named church of Santiago be named by the monks and the heirs or their successors by mutual agreement, or that the monks for half a year and the heirs for the other half make it happen. church burdens. Likewise, everything that comes from the aforementioned church in terms of first fruits, tithes, offerings for the deceased, indulgences and all other kinds of benefit taken before the thirds corresponding to the church of Astorga, the monks and the heirs divide it in half, having Both parties have taken into account that by this agreement, no burden or detriment is inferred to the parishioners of the church of Santa María, which is next to the church of Santiago. This agreement was carried out on the sixth day of the Ides of July, it was 1203. Reigning King D. Fernando and Queen D Urraca in León, Toledo, Galicia and Asturias. Ruling in Villafáfila Count D. Nuño and Fernando Rodríguez. Being Bishop of Astorga D. Fernando. Who were present, saw and heard. Miguel Pérez confirms it. Juan Pérez confirms it, Domingo Pérez confirms it, Pedro de León confirms it, Pelagio Juárez confirms it, Juan Juárez confirms it, Pedro Julián confirms it. Yspanus confirms. Ferrando Martin confirms. Peter witness. Pelagius Witness. Facundis noted. Pedro Julian confirms. Yspanus confirms. Ferrando Martin confirms. Peter witness. Pelagius Witness. Facundis noted. Pedro Julian confirms. Yspanus confirms. Ferrando Martin confirms. Peter witness. Pelagius Witness. Facundis noted. ✠” [7] .
1201 September, the church of Santiago is mentioned for the last time [8] . Half of the church of Santiago already belonged to the monastery of Eslonza since 1155 through the donation of King Alfonso VII [9] , and in 1201 he would obtain the entire property of the church of Santiago through a donation granted by Pedro Miguélez [ 10] . PARTICULAR DOCUMENTS. CXXV. Vincent Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. CXXV. pages 197 and 198. Donation of half of the church of Santiago de Villafáfila, granted by Pedro Miguelez in favor of the Monastery of Eslonza. September. A.1201 “PXS. Principium scripti, fiat sub nomine Christi. Quoniam humano fragilitas omnia que uidet uel memorialiter minime potest retinere ideo literarmn memorie comendamus que uix aut nunquam deleri solet quatenus ego Petrus Micaellis una cum patre meo Mieaelle Salgato et matre mea domna Marina et fratribus meis et sororibus damus et concedimus in perpetuum illam medietatem ecclesie sancti Iacobi de Uilla Fafila qua Iohanes Micaellis meus consanguineus dedit mihi Petro Micaellis, domno Iohani abati ecclesie sancti Petri Helysoncie et conuentui eiusdem ecclesie et eorum successoribus, ego inquam Petrus Micaellis predictus hoc donum faeio et concedo et pater meus et mater et fratres et sorores mecum faciunt et concedunt hoc donum et ego cum illis nos omnes facimus et concedimus amore Dei primitus et pro redencione animarum nostrarum et parentum nostrorum et pro fraternitate et societate et benefice quibus nos ipsi receperunt et hoc facimus et damus et concedimus firmiter sicut predictun est absque fraud et contradiccione aliqua. Et si aliquis ex parentibus meis uel ex alienis hac kartam et hoc factum nostrum et donum quod facimus et quod roboramus corrumpere uoluerit uel contra ierit in aliquo, maledictus sit a Deo omnipotenti et cum Iuda traditore in inferno sit damnatus et uox sua non ualeat nec audiatur super hoc et persoluat in cauto CCC.os morabetinos medietatem regi et aliam medietatem dominis prefate hereditatis. Micael Carestia conf. Iohanes Redroio conf. Garcia Dorinico conf. fat conf. Perugius Caluo conf. Gondisalus Pelagii conf. Petrus Gutierrez conf. Petrus Iohanis balestero conf. Don Dominico conf. Don Pedro the mayor conf. Micael Caluo conf. Don Lobo conf. Perugius Iohanis with. Petrus Arias conf. Iohanes Masoco conf. Dominicus Roio conf. Bread Posed conf. Prior Dominicus Suuarez tenente domum sancte Marie. Martinus presbiter capellanus. Martinus Bartolomeus monacus. Facta karta in mense Setembri sub Era M. a CC. to XXX. to VIIII. a Regnante rege Adefonso cum regina domna Berengaria in Legione et Galecia. Petro Suuari existing Compostelle archiepiscope. Lupo Astorice episcopo. Martino Zamore bishop. Manrico episcopo Legionis. Roderico Petri of Uilla Luporum lieutenant Ullam Fafilam. Habram iudeo, merino Uille Fafile. Iudicibus eiusdem uille, Petro Iohanis et Petro Martinez et Pelagio Felici et Martino Bagoro. Martinus scriptit” [11] .
“PXS. The beginning of the script Fathers, which must be in the name of Christ. Since the human being is the fragility of everything he sees or hears that he remembers is less able to retain for this reason literarmn memory, comendat that can now hardly or never be erased is usually to the extent that I am Peter Micaelllis together with the father of my Mieaelle Salgato, and of my mother, my lady to whom Marina and my brothers and sisters, we give and the concession in perpetuity that rest of the Church, of San Santiago, of Villafáfila which Juan Micaelli, my relative, that he has given me Pedro, Micaelli, Mr. Juan Abati of the church of San Pedro, with Helysoncie and the convent of the same church, and for his successors, I am, I say, Pedro, Micaelli the above, since he is don facio I admit, however, and my father, and his mother, and his brothers, and sisters, with me, who do and grant, because it is a gift, and I am with them, all of us, who give and grant the love of God, first of all, and for the redemption of our souls and our parents, and instead of a spirit of brotherhood and alliance, also for the kindness with which we, having received and continue to do this and firmly give and grant while she predicts that it is devoid of its own benefit and contradiction. And if any of the children of my parents or of other people of this Kartam and this was one of us, and the gift of what we are doing and that we reinforce that to break he wants or contrary to one who was going, in any, be cursed by God, God Almighty, and with Judas the traitor: in hell when he was condemned, and the voice of his own cannot be expressed, nor is heard in taking charge of this and persoluat 300 morabetinos by means of him and half of the farm mentioned above. These are the witnesses who were before and those who attended. Micael Carestía confirmed. Juan Redroio confirmed. Garcia Dorinico confirmed. Gordon confirmed. Perugius Caluo confirmed. Gondisali Pelagii confirmed. Pedro Gutierrez, confirmed. Peter Juan balestero confirmed. Don Domenico confirmed. Don Pedro Mayor confirmed. Micael Caluo confirmed. Don Lobo confirmed. Perugius John confirmed. Pedro Arias, confirmed. Juan Masoco confirmed. Roio Dominic confirmed. Bread Posed confirmed. Prior Dominicus Suuarez tenente house Santa Maria. Presbyter Martin Chaplain. Martin Bartolomeus monacus. These are the witnesses who were before and those who attended. Micael Carestía confirmed. Juan Redroio confirmed. Garcia Dorinico confirmed. Gordon confirmed. Perugius Caluo confirmed. Gondisali Pelagii confirmed. Pedro Gutierrez, confirmed. Peter Juan balestero confirmed. Don Domenico confirmed. Don Pedro Mayor confirmed. Micael Caluo confirmed. Don Lobo confirmed. Perugius John confirmed. Pedro Arias, confirmed. Juan Masoco confirmed. Roio Dominic confirmed. Bread Posed confirmed. Prior Dominicus Suuarez tenente house Santa Maria. Presbyter Martin Chaplain. Martin Bartolomeus monacus. These are the witnesses who were before and those who attended. Micael Carestía confirmed. Juan Redroio confirmed. Garcia Dorinico confirmed. Gordon confirmed. Perugius Caluo confirmed. Gondisali Pelagii confirmed. Pedro Gutierrez, confirmed. Peter Juan balestero confirmed. Don Domenico confirmed. Don Pedro Mayor confirmed. Micael Caluo confirmed. Don Lobo confirmed. Perugius John confirmed. Pedro Arias, confirmed. Juan Masoco confirmed. Roio Dominic confirmed. Bread Posed confirmed. Prior Dominicus Suuarez tenente house Santa Maria. Presbyter Martin Chaplain. Martin Bartolomeus monacus. confirmed. Peter Juan balestero confirmed. Don Domenico confirmed. Don Pedro Mayor confirmed. Micael Caluo confirmed. Don Lobo confirmed. Perugius John confirmed. Pedro Arias, confirmed. Juan Masoco confirmed. Roio Dominic confirmed. Bread Posed confirmed. Prior Dominicus Suuarez tenente house Santa Maria. Presbyter Martin Chaplain. Martin Bartolomeus monacus. confirmed. Peter Juan balestero confirmed. Don Domenico confirmed. Don Pedro Mayor confirmed. Micael Caluo confirmed. Don Lobo confirmed. Perugius John confirmed. Pedro Arias, confirmed. Juan Masoco confirmed. Roio Dominic confirmed. Bread Posed confirmed. Prior Dominicus Suuarez tenente house Santa Maria. Presbyter Martin Chaplain. Martin Bartolomeus monacus. There is a letter for the month of September M. to CC. to XXX. to VIIII. a While King Alfonso and Queen Dña. Berengario in León and Galicia. Pedro Suuari extant Archbishop Compostela. Lupo Bishop Astorga. Martin Bishop Zamora. Manrico Leon Bishop. Roderico Petri Villa Loporum tenente Villafáfila. Habram Jew, merino Villafáfila. When the judges of the same men of the city, and in Pedro Juan and Pedro Martínez and Pelagio Faceli and Martino Bagoro. Martin wrote” [12] . The church of Santiago must have disappeared during the 13th century, since it would be more profitable for it to concentrate all its parishioners in a single parish in Santa María del Moral.
Author: Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.
Elias Rodriguez Rodriguez: History of salt mines in the Villafáfila lagoons. Page 93 Zamora: Institute of Zamoran Studies "Florián de Ocampo", 2000. ISBN 84-86873-87-8.
Vicente Vignau: Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV, XCIII and CXXV. Digital Library of Castilla y León: Cartulary of Eslonza: Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza (1885) - Monastery of Eslonza
The following translation of Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, XIV and CXXV is translated through, and may have untranslated or erroneous words or phrases that have changed their main meaning. I include this to give an idea of the writing in Latin.
Vincent Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV. Translated by D. Manuel de la Granja Alonso.
Photography: (A. Calvo, "San Pedro de Eslonza" (1957), pl. 2. Gonzalo J. Escudero @gjescudero. Wikipedia. Vincent Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV, XCIII and CXXV. Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.
Transcription and Assembly: Jose Luis Dominguez Martinez.
All text, photographs, transcription and montage, the rights belong to their authors, any type of use is prohibited without authorization. All text and photography has been authorized for storage, treatment, work, transcription and assembly to José Luis Domínguez Martínez, its dissemination on, and any other means that is authorized. [1] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV. [2] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV. [3] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV. [4] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV. [5] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XCIII. [6] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XCIII. [8] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. CXXV. [9] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. XIV. [10] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. CXXV. [11] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. CXXV. [12] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, Doc. CXXV. |