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The first notifications of the churches of Villafáfila date back to the middle of the 19th century. XII (1147) at the beginning of the s. XIV (1310), it had ten churches at the same time until the 13th century, in the following centuries churches disappeared until reaching the middle of the s. XX (1953) that the last church disappears, leaving Santa María del Moral as the only church that exists today.

The different parishes and therefore their parish limits of each church, from the s. XIII with the disappearance of the church of Santiago, and in the following centuries, some churches with their disappearance, others first lost their ownership as a hermitage or rural benefit, becoming annexes of another church, happening that their parishes, therefore, their parish boundaries, were also being integrated into the attached church. Thus, we reach the end of the s. XIX 1896, that of the four churches that remained, three became annexes of Santa María del Moral, and that all the parish boundaries that had belonged to or integrated from one another, remain in one.

Location of the churches in the urban area of ​​Villafáfila


If you wonder how this town came to have so many churches, perhaps the answer was due to the exploitation of the salt from its salt mines that occurred until the end of the 16th century, where kings, monasteries, dioceses, etc., had interests that It gave great returns, and they founded some churches that belonged to them.

The existing churches in Villafáfila were:

Sta. María del Moral [1] .

Santiago [2] .

San Martin [3] .

Saint John [4] .

Saint Peter [5] .

Saint Michael [6] .

Santa. Mary the New [7] .

Saint Andrew [8] .

Santa Marta [9] .

San Salvador [10] .





annexed year

I. annexed


Sta. María del Moral


Eslonza Monastery






Eslonza Monastery




San Martin


Bishopric of Astorga

XIX - 1896

Sta. Mª del Moral


San Juan


Bishopric of Astorga


Saint Peter


Saint Peter




Sta. Mª del Moral


San Miguel


Sahagun Monastery


The Savior


St. Mary the New


Bishop of Astorga


Saint Peter


Saint Andrew




Saint Peter


Santa Marta




Rural benefit, San Juan


San Salvador




Sta. Mª del Moral




Today these churches have given their name to the place or proximity that they were located to squares or streets, Plazas de Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Miguel and San Salvador, streets of San Andrés and Santa Marta. Like some hermitage on Magdalena Street, San Isidro.


Villafáfila once had five hermitages, which depended on some of the churches.

St. Mary the New [11] .

The True Cross [12] .

Our Lady of Villarigo [13] .

St. Mary the Magdalene [14] .

San Isidro [15] .




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs


St. Mary the New



I. Saint Peter



S. XVII-1636

The True Cross



I. Saint Andrew

S. XVII-1642

I. Saint Peter

19th century-1805

Our Lady of Villarigo


16th century-1513

I. Sta. Mª del Moral



19th century-1811

St. Mary of the Magdalene


16th century-1513

I. San Martin



18th century-1730

San Isidro

16th century

16th century

I. Sta. Mª del Moral



19th century-1811



The only one that we could say that emerged only as its own hermitage was that of La Vera Cruz, since Sta. María la Nueva, and Villarigo, had previously been churches and became hermitages and possibly also Sta. María la Magdalena and San Isidro.

The first hermitage was Sta. María la Nueva, which as a parish was mentioned for the last time in 1310, it would become a hermitage, the second being that of Vera Cruz, already existing at the end of the 19th century. XVI 1490, they would be throughout the end of the s. XIV or s. XV Our Lady of Villarigo, Sta. María la Magdalena which are mentioned as hermitages in 1513 and San Isidro.

The oldest reference to the True Cross is indirectly from 1490, since in the deed of expense that was made in the will of Yván de Collantes, which:

“Falls on Saturday, the thirteenth day of the month of Hebrew, 1490” [16] ,

It includes the fulfillment of a testamentary order of this gentleman, who had been warden of the Villafáfila fortress:

“it was given to the Vera Crus + çien mrs. May Rodrigo Herrada, abbot” [17] .

La Vera Cruz was built as a hermitage at the end of the 14th century to house the brotherhood, as in most of the towns on its outskirts, when the Franciscans spread the cults and disciplines of the Passion.

In 1513 the hermitage of the Vera Cruz is referenced again, in addition to three others, Sta. María de Villarigo, Sta. María Magdalena and Sta. María la Nueva, which had been parishes.

Well, when Collantes' widow, María Vázquez, died, she left instructions in her will:

“To the Vera Cruz and to Sª Mª de Villarigo and to Sª Mª Madalena and to Sª Marta and to Sª Mª la Nueva, hermits of this town, to each one half a royal for their works” [18] .

Sta. María la Nueva, la Vera Cruz and Sta. María la Magdalena, were around the urban area, that of Nuestra Señora de Villarigo approximately 2 km away. just beyond the Roman bridge or Villarigo and San Isidro was the furthest, it was on the border with San Martín de Valderaduey approx. 7 km.

Hermitage of St. Mary the New

It is mentioned for the first time in 1307 [19] , and as a parish it is mentioned for the last time in 1310 [20] , which became a hermitage. Since then, its parish limits are integrated into the church of San Pedro, from which it also became dependent, disappearance in the 17th century around 1636.




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs


St. Mary the New



I. Saint Peter



S. XVII-1636



It is one of the medieval parishes of Villafáfila, possibly one of the last to be built, since it is located on the outskirts of the town in one of the suburbs “las Pilas” to the west of the town, and the nickname of Nueva, to distinguish it from the other Santa María, older called del Moral.

Location of the hermitage of Sta. María la Nueva


Hermitage of the True Cross

It is cited in 1490 [21] , it is within the parish limits of the church of San Andrés to which it belongs, when this church was annexed in 1642 to the church of San Pedro, it became dependent on the latter, it disappeared in 1805. 




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs


Vera Cruz



I. Saint Andrew

S. XVII-1642

I. Saint Peter

19th century-1805



The exact location of the Vera Cruz [22] was north of the urban area, prox. to the church of San Andrés, on the peak formed by the Espino and San Agustín roads as they diverge [23] .

Location of the Vera Cruz hermitage in the current town of Villafáfila


The oldest brotherhood of La Vera Cruz [24] is located there. Inside the hermitage there was an altarpiece with the Holy Christ of La Vera Cruz.

Image Christ of the True Cross


Our Lady of Villarigo Hermitage

This was the church of the village of the same name cited in 1310 [25] , the village was depopulated between the 14th and 15th centuries, leaving only the church, becoming a hermitage dependent on the church of Sta. María del Moral , until its disappearance in s. XIX 1811 [26] .




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs




16th century-1513

I. Sta. Mª del Moral



19th century-1811



   It was located east of Villafáfila, approximately 2 km. something beyond the Roman bridge or Villarigo, where his village was located.


Location of the Ntra. Sra. de Villarigo hermitage


In it was the image of Our Lady of Villarigo and the Villarigo brotherhood.


Image of Our Lady of Villarigo


Hermitage of St. Mary of the Magdalene

It is cited in 1513 [27] , the suspicion that Sta. María de la Magdalena would have been an ancient parish [28] , although no documentation has been found, due to the fact that its territory is mentioned in an episcopal visit at the end of the century. XVI, it belonged as a hermitage to the church of San Martín as its parish limits, it disappears approx. in 1730.




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs


St. Mary of the Magdalene


16th century-1513

I. San Martin



18th century-1730



Located to the east of Villafáfila, a street is currently preserved with the name of La Magdalena, which will indicate the proximity or direction to reach this ancient hermitage, which is documented in the 16th century and which surely came from an old unpopulated parish . mention its territory in a visit by the bishop in 1598.

There are hardly any remains, but it is possible that it was located in one of the eras that are at the end of Magdalena street, specifically where some stones and a small lagoon can be seen in the Trabadillos era, where ceramic remains are located that They date back to late Roman and Visigoth times

Location of the hermitage of Sta. María de la Magdalena


It had the image of Our Lady Magdalena, who had disappeared.

Hermitage of San Isidro

It is cited in the 16th century [29] , it could have been from a town, it belonged to the church of Santa María del Moral, it disappeared in 1811 [30] .




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs


San Isidro

16th century

16th century

I. Sta. María del Moral



19th century-1811



Located southeast of Villafáfila, it was the furthest of the hermitages, it was then reached by the San Isidro road that disappeared in concentration (today parallel to it the Camino el Roncero) it was on the border with San Martín de Valderaduey approx. 7 km.

Location of the hermitage of San Isidro on its old path


In it was the image of San Isidro, the Brotherhood of San Isidro was based.

Image of San Isidro Labrador


List of the churches of Villafáfila

The first relations of the churches begin in 1147 s. XII and ends in 1310 s. XIV, they were possibly built between the 11th and 12th centuries.

Part of these churches belonged to the monasteries of Eslonza and Sahagún, as well as to the Bishopric of Astorga, and to the parishioners.




Sta. María del Moral


Eslonza Monastery



Eslonza Monastery

San Martin


Bishopric of Astorga

San Juan


Bishopric of Astorga

Saint Peter



San Miguel


Sahagun Monastery

Saint Mary the New


Bishopric of Astorga

Saint Andrew



Santa Marta



San Salvador





List of the churches of their loss of ownership or transition to ownership as a hermitage, rural benefit , annex, disappearance, integration of parishes and parish limits in others since the s. XIII to XX

From the s. XIII until the s. XIX, with the disappearance of one of the churches without being annexed before, Santiago, six churches San Miguel, San Andrés, San Juan, San Salvador, San Pedro, and San Martín led to the loss of main ownership of the church that were alienated and Even one of them that he owned became the Santa María la Nueva hermitage, and Santa Marta, which became a rural benefit, of all of them meant the integration of the parish and limits were integrated into others, enlarging and reducing the number of parishes. headlines until arriving in the s. XIX 1896 to concentrate the entire parish boundary and the only one with ownership was the church of Santa María del Moral. The years that passed between when they were alienated and when they disappeared, the duration was uneven.

Santiago, was integrated into Santa María del Moral, s. XIII, missing s. XIII.

Santa María la Nueva was integrated into the parish of San Pedro, 1310 s. XIV, it became considered a hermitage, which disappeared in 1636 s. XVI three hundred more years

San Miguel, annexed in the 17th century. XV it was integrated into the parish of El Salvador and disappeared in the 16th century, s. XV.

San Andrés was annexed in 1642, s. XVII was integrated into the parish of San Pedro, and disappeared in 1772, 130 years passed.

Santa Marta ceased to be a parish 1587 s. XVI and became a rural benefit of the parishioners, its parishioners and the limits were integrated into that of San Juan, and disappeared 1710 s. XVIII.

San Juan annexed in 1775 s. XVIII was integrated into the parish of San Martín, which disappeared in 1800, 25 years passed.

El Salvador annexed on June 3, 1896 s. XIX, integrated into the parish of Santa María del Moral, disappeared in 1903, seven years passed.

San Pedro annexed on June 24, 1896 s. XIX, integrated into the parish of Santa María del Moral, which disappeared in 1903, seven years passed.

San Martín alienated in 1896 s. XIX, integrated into the parish of Santa María del Moral, which disappeared in 1953, seven years passed.



S. annexed


A. past

I. that was attached, integrated





Santa María del Moral

Saint Mary the New




Saint Peter

San Miguel




The Savior

Saint Andrew




Saint Peter

Santa Marta

XVI-1587 rural benefit



San Juan

San Juan




San Martin

San Salvador




Santa María del Moral

Saint Peter




Santa María del Moral

San Martin

XIX -1896



Santa María del Moral



Parish boundaries and integration of one into another

12th-13th century

It is until Villafáfila has 10 churches at the same time.

In 1201 [31] is the last mention of the church of Santiago, which would disappear this century. XIII, belonged to the Monastery of Eslonza as did the church of Santa María del Moral and they were a few meters from each other, so it would be more profitable for the monastery to concentrate all its parishioners in a single parish in that of Santa María. of Morals. His parish was integrated into that of Santa María del Moral, s. XIII, which was never annexed. We don't know the exact moment he disappeared.

9 churches continue as owners, Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Miguel, Santa María la Nueva, San Andrés, Santa Marta and San Salvador.

XIV century

In 1310 the Santa María la Nueva church was mentioned for the last time as a parish, it lost its ownership designated as a hermitage, it was dependent, as was its parish integrated into the church of San Pedro, s. XIV.

8 churches continue as holders. Santa María del Moral San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Miguel , San Andrés, Santa Marta and San Salvador.

XV century

The church of San Miguel, which belonged to the Sahagún monastery, is annexed and its parish was integrated into the church of San Salvador, s. XV. Well, in the investigation of the visitors of the Order of Santiago in 1503 the priests and the form of provision of the benefits are related where we see in relation to the church of San Miguel it is provided by the same priest as the San Salvador of which already It was annexed, and its parish integrated into it.

“In San Salvador and San Miguel it is priest Alonso Fernández, the presentation of the parishioners and greeting of the archdeacon of Páramo” [32] .

7 churches continue as owners, Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Andrés, Santa Marta and San Salvador.

In compliance with the will of Yván de Collantes, who died in 1490, the following are given:

“100 mr to nine churches of the town that is 900 mrs”,

Perhaps here in this quote we count as churches Santa María la Nueva and San Miguel or there are seven of those in the Villa plus the two of two villages of Revellinos and San Agustín that were within the alfoz of Villafáfila as mentioned in 1494. (A reference by D. Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez [33] , believes that the 9 are from the town, and I suspect that one of them was that of Magdalena, which, although I have not found documentation as a parish, the fact of citing the territory of the same on a visit by the bishop in 1598, makes me think that it would have been a parish.

But in 1494 only seven parish churches are mentioned in the town and two on the ground:

“and there are seven in the town and two in two villages that are San Agostin and Revellinos, which are nine churches” [34] .

Century XVI

The church of San Miguel disappears, without knowing the specific moment in which it disappeared.

Santa Marta ceased to be a parish in 1587 and became a rural benefit for the parishioners, its parishioners and the limits were integrated into that of San Juan.

6 churches continue as holders. Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Andrés, and San Salvador.

XVII century

The hermitage of Santa María la Nueva, which was a church until the 14th century 1310, and then as a hermitage it disappeared around 1636 when it had already fallen. Approximately 300 passed since it went from being a church to a hermitage until its disappearance. years.

In 1642 the church of San Andrés was annexed, as its parish was integrated into the church of San Pedro. This church of San Andrés was dependent on the hermitage of Vera Cruz, which also became dependent on San Pedro.

5 churches continue as owners, Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, and San Salvador.

Century XVIII

The church of Santa Marta disappears at the beginning of 1710 AD. XVIII, 123 years had passed since it became a rural benefit for its parishioners.

The church of San Andrés disappeared in 1772. From the time it was annexed until its disappearance, 130 years passed.

The church of San Juan, which belonged to the Bishopric of Astorga, was annexed in 1775 and its parish is integrated into the church of San Martín.

4 churches continue as owners: Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Pedro, and San Salvador.

XIX century

The church of San Juan disappeared in 1800, 25 years since it was annexed.

The church of San Martín was annexed in 1896 and its parish was integrated into the church of Santa María del Moral.

The church of El Salvador on June 3, is annexed and its parish is integrated into the church of Santa María del Moral.

The church of San Pedro on June 24, 1896, was annexed and its parish was integrated into the church of Santa María del Moral.

With all these integrations, in the end there is only one church left as Santa María del Moral, and what were the parish limits integrated into one is this church.

Twentieth century

The church of San Pedro and El Salvador disappeared in 1903. It has been 7 years since it was annexed.

The church of San Martín disappeared in 1953. It has been 57 years since it was annexed.

As of 1953, only the church of Santa María del Moral remains, and of the ten churches that were counted, 9 churches have disappeared, between the 13th and 20th centuries Santiago, San Miguel, Santa María la Nueva, Santa Marta and San Andrés and San Juan El Salvador and San Pedro and San Martín.

Chronology - summary

Until the 13th century, Villafáfila had 10 churches, Santa María del Moral, Santiago, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Miguel, Santa María la Nueva , San Andrés, Santa Marta and San Salvador. s. XIII.

Santiago, disappeared and his parish was integrated into that of Santa María del Moral. s. XIII.

9 churches continue as owners, Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Miguel, Santa María la Nueva , San Andrés, Santa Marta and San Salvador. s. XIII.

Santa María la Nueva, loses its ownership as a church in 1310 and becomes a dependent hermitage like its parish integrated into the church of San Pedro, s. XIV.

8 churches continue as holders. Santa María del Moral San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, San Miguel , San Andrés, Santa Marta and San Salvador, s. XIV.

San Miguel, is annexed and its parish was integrated into that of San Salvador, s. XV.

7 churches continue as owners, Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro , San Andrés, Santa Marta and San Salvador. s. XV.

San Miguel, disappears, yes. XVI.

Santa Marta ceased to be a parish 1587 s. XVI and became a rural benefit of the parishioners, its parishioners and the limits were integrated into that of San Juan.

The hermitage of Santa María la Nueva, which was a church until the 14th century in 1310, and then as a hermitage, disappeared around 1636. Approximately 300 years passed since it went from being a church to a hermitage until its disappearance. years.

6 churches continue as owners, Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, and San Salvador. s. XVI.

San Andrés was annexed in 1642, as its parish integrated into the San Pedro s church. XVII.

5 churches continue as owners, Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Juan, San Pedro, and San Salvador. s. XVII.

Santa Marta, disappears between 1720-30 s. XVIII, which passed 123 years from when it ceased to be a parish until its disappearance.

San Andrés, disappeared in 1772, s. XVIII. From the time it was annexed until its disappearance, 130 years passed.

San Juan, 1775 is annexed and its parish is integrated into San Martín, s. XVIII.

4 churches continue as owners: Santa María del Moral, San Martín, San Pedro, and San Salvador, s. XVIII.

San Juan, disappears1800, s. XIX, from when it was annexed until its disappearance, 25 years passed.

San Martín, 1896 is annexed and its parish is integrated into Santa María del Moral, s. XIX.

El Salvador, June 3, 1896, is annexed and its parish is integrated into Santa María del Moral, s. XIX.

San Pedro, June 24, 1896 is annexed and its parish is integrated into Santa María del Moral, s. XIX.

With all these integrations, in the end there is only 1 church left as Santa María del Moral, and what were the parish limits integrated into one is this church. s. XIX.

San Pedro, disappeared in 1903, s. XX, 7 years have passed since it was annexed to disappear.

El Salvador, disappears in 1903, s. XX, 7 years have passed since it was annexed to disappear.

San Martín, disappeared in 1953, s. XX, 57 years have passed since it was annexed to disappear.

Santa María del Moral, as of 1953, is the only church that remains of all those that existed. XX.

Church Parishes – Parish Boundaries

We must consider that the urban layout in part was not the same as what we know today, it had a castle and rammed earth wall, in the 16th century they were very deteriorated and led to its disappearance, they were building on it, or integrating it as a wall as well. It happened with the castle. As you can see the place that the castle occupies, the layout of the fence, how it goes partly inside the streets, Sacramento, El Regato, Plaza San Juan , Calle El Rosario and Calle La Botica. The disappearance of a street that ran from Rejadorada Street to La Lana Street. Or at the end of the 18th century, the demolition of 40 houses for the construction of the Royal Saltpeter Factory of Villafáfila, in the parish of San Juan and San Pedro.

Urban center of Villafáfila, in red the place occupied by the castle, and in blue the layout of the fence [35]


In the map of the end of the 18th century, a great transformation occurred in the south-west area, from the Plaza de San Juan, with Calle El Regato and all of Calle El Sacramento until reaching Calle La Botica, 40 houses were demolished. to house the Royal Saltpeter Factory, there were also some streets that have disappeared, such as the one that linked Calle La Lana with Calle La Rejadorada, or the San Marcos area.

Already in 1931 he penetrated the road that crosses from Villarrín to Villalpando.

Map of the urban area of ​​Villafáfila, in blue line, the area of ​​houses demolished to house the Royal Salitre Factory, in yellow circle street linked between La Lana and Rejadorada streets, and in yellow circle San Marcos


Let's say that from the end of the s. The 15th century is when we began to have more reference information about the churches, when they began in the s. XVI factory books, brotherhoods, etc., let us see more information.

Even so, for the delimitation of the parishes of Villafáfila it has been done based on the data from the cadastre of the Marqués de la Ensenada de Villafáfila 1752 and the houses that at the end of the 19th century it was known who more or less belonged to. which parishes they belonged to [36] .

What makes us unable to know are five of the parish boundaries that some churches had that were disappearing and that in turn the boundaries were integrated into others, these churches are:

Santiago, would be integrated into Santa María del Moral s. XIII.

Santa María la Nueva was integrated in 1310 into San Pedro, s. XIV.

San Miguel was integrated into El Salvador s. XVI.

Santa Marta ceased to be a parish 1587 s. XVI and became a rural benefit of the parishioners, its parishioners and the limits were integrated into that of San Juan.

San Andrés was integrated into San Pedro, s. XVII 1642.

With the integration of San Andrés s. XVII 1642 in San Pedro, from this moment we can delimit the parishes that San Pedro, San Juan, El Salvador, San Martín and Santa María el Moral. that these limits would remain until the s. XVIII 1775.

Parish limits of San Pedro, San Juan, San Martín, Santa María del Moral and El Salvador, 1642-1775


Of five churches we do know their parish boundaries:

San Juan who received the entire parish limits of Santa Marta 1587 in San Juan s. XVI, and when it disappeared it passed its parish limits to become part of San Martín s. XVIII 1775.

With the integration of San Juan into San Martín in 1775, from this moment only the parishes of San Pedro, San Juan, El Salvador, San Martín and Santa María el Moral remain. that these limits would remain until the end of the s. XIX 1896.

Parish limits of San Pedro, San Martín, Santa María del Moral and El Salvador, 1775


San Martín, which would integrate the limits of what could be an old church and later was the hermitage of Sta. María la Magdalena, when it was annexed in 1896 to Santa María del Moral and with this its parish limits were also integrated.

San Pedro, integrates the parish limits of Santa María la Nueva, in the 14th century, and San Andrés s. XVII 1642, when it was annexed in 1896 to Santa María del Moral and with this its parish limits were also integrated.

San Salvador, would integrate the parish limits of San Miguel s. XV, it was annexed in 1896 to Santa María del Moral and with this its parish limits were also integrated.

Santa María del Moral that would integrate the parish limits of Santiago s. XIII, and in 1896 those of San Pedro, El Salvador and San Martín.

With this, Santa María del Moral, took over all its limits, like a premonition, some time later it would become the only standing church.

To make reference to the geographic north, where the right will be (east) and the left (west), in order to reference the limit if it goes on the left or right side of the street.

Santiago Parish Boundary

The church of Santiago is mentioned for the first time in 1155, it must have disappeared during the 13th century, it belonged to the Monastery of Eslonza as did Santa María del Moral, which are also practically together since the distance between them was barely useful. 60 m approx. (he was behind Santa María del Moral) that it would be more profitable for him to concentrate all his parishioners in a single parish, in this case in Santa María del Moral.





annexed year

I. annexed




Eslonza Monastery






Proximity of the Location of the church of Santiago, (yellow line) very close to the church of Santa María del Moral (left)


We know nothing about its parish limits, being behind Santa María if perhaps it had had parish limits with Santa María del Moral, San Pedro and San Andrés.

Parish limits of Santa María del Moral and location of the church of Santiago


Parish limits of Santa María la Nueva

The church of Santa María la Nueva is mentioned for the first time in 1307, it belonged to the Bishopric of Astorga, as a parish it is mentioned for the last time in 1310, which became a hermitage until its disappearance in the 17th century 1636, it became a hermitage , as well as the parish limits to be integrated into the church of San Pedro.





annexed year

I. annexed


St. Mary the New


Bishop of Astorga


Saint Peter




Place approx. where the church of Santa María la Nueva was, then it was a hermitage


We know nothing about its parish boundaries, it would surely have had parish boundaries with San Pedro, San Juan and perhaps with San Martín.

Parish limits of San Pedro and location of the church of Santa María la Nueva


Parish Boundaries of San Miguel

The church of San Miguel is mentioned for the first time San Miguel 1201 belonged to the Monastery of Sahagún, in the 15th century it was suppressed as a parish and its parish limits were also integrated into the church El Salvador, it disappeared in the 16th century.





annexed year

I. annexed


San Miguel


Sahagun Monastery


The Savior




Location of the church of San Miguel, in the Plaza de San Miguel “el Corrillo”


We know nothing about its parish boundaries, it would surely have had parish boundaries with San Pedro, San Martín and El Salvador.

Parish limits of El Salvador and location of the church of San Miguel


Parish boundaries of Santa Marta

The church of Santa Marta is mentioned for the first time in 1310, it belonged to the parishioners, it ceased to be a parish in 1587 ss XVI and became a rural benefit of the parishioners, its parishioners and the parish limits were integrated into that of San Juan, it disappears from the 18th century 1710.





annexed year

I. annexed


Santa Marta




As a rural benefit, San Juan




Location of the church of Santa Marta


We know nothing about its parish boundaries, it would have limits with San Juan and perhaps perhaps with El Salvador.

Parish limits of San Juan and location of Santa Marta


St. Andrew Parish

The church of San Andrés , which was mentioned for the first time in 1310, belonged to the parishioners, it was suppressed as a parish in 1642 and became annexed to the church of San Pedro, with which the limits of San Andrés would become integrated into San Pedro. , although the church of San Andrés resisted until 1772 when it was demolished.





annexed year

I. annexed


Saint Andrew




Saint Peter




Location of the church of San Andrés, which was later a cemetery


This church had under its dependence the hermitage of Cristo de la Vera Cruz, which was nearby, which was close to the church at approximately 70 meters. within its parish boundaries, as the church passed to St. Peter's.

The Ermita la Vera Cruz was mentioned in 1490, it is within the parish limits of the church of San Andrés to which it belongs, when this church was annexed in 1642 to the church of San Pedro, it became dependent on the latter, it disappeared in 1805, which was close to the church about 70 meters away. each other. The oldest brotherhood of La Vera Cruz is located there. Inside the hermitage there was an altarpiece with the Holy Christ of La Vera Cruz.





annexed year

I. Belongs


Vera Cruz


I. Saint Andrew

S. XVII-1642

I. Saint Peter

19th century-1805



We know nothing about its parish limits, it would have limits with San Pedro, Santiago and Santa María del Moral. 

With the integration of San Andrés s. XVII 1642 in San Pedro, from this moment we can delimit the parishes that San Pedro, San Juan, El Salvador, San Martín and Santa María del Moral, which would remain these limits until the s. XVIII 1775, at that time the parish of San Juan and its limits were annexed to San Martín, from this moment on only the parishes of San Pedro, San Juan, El Salvador, San Martín and Santa María el Moral remained. that these limits would remain until the end of the s. XIX 1896, where San Pedro, El Salvador, San Martín are annexed and their limits integrated into Santa María el Moral with which this last church concentrates all the parish limits into one.

St. Peter's Parish

The church of San Pedro is mentioned for the first time in s. XII 1182, belonged to the parishioners, in s. XIX 1896 on June 24 it was suppressed as a parish and became annexed to Santa María del Moral, it disappeared at the beginning of the 20th century. XX, in 1903.





annexed year

I. annexed


Saint Peter




Sta. María del Moral




Plan of the church of San Pedro


St. Peter's Square, where the church was in the same building seen in the photo


We cannot delimit the original parish limits of the parish of San Pedro; perhaps it then had limits with Santa María la Nueva, San Andrés, Santiago, Santa María del Moral, and San Martín.

They were increased twice, when they were sold in San Pedro:

1st those of Santa María la Nueva that was integrated in 1310 s. XIV, when it became a hermitage.

Here it would have limits with San Juan, San Martín, Santa María del Moral and San Andrés.

2nd San Andrés that was integrated in 1642 s. XVII and that the hermitage of Vera Cruz also depended on this church of San Andrés, which also became dependent on San Pedro. We do not know the parish boundaries of these two integrated parishes.

Here it would have limits with Santa María del Moral with San Martín, and San Juan, which with the latter leaves in s. XIX 1800 when San Juan was integrated into San Martín, with these it would reach until s. XIX 1896 that its own disappeared when it became part of Santa María del Mora l .

Limits of the parish of San Pedro (what is delimited towards the left of the map) that within them are the old parish limits of Santa María la Nueva and San Andrés


The parish limits of Sanpedro ran:

Starting from the southern limit, drawing a straight line from the east (Pozo Ramos) to Regato Street (left), this area would be from Santa María la Nueva, from Regato Street on the (left) to Sacramento Street entering through it on the (left) going up Calle los Cohetes, (left), to give onto Calle La Fabrica (left) to the corner with Calle Rejadorada (left), taking said street to the point ( churrero house) that is on the corner of the Plaza Mayor and enters the plaza reaching D. Fuertes Street (left) (Costanilla Street) (old tobacconist's house) goes down this street (left) and enters Travesía Street. Rejadorada (left) (Calle Tirabragas), until again with Rejadorada street going down to the four streets (left) turn left. from Botica Street to the junction of Tentetieso Street (left), going up this street (left), until you reach Las Damas Street, continue straight through the lots surrounding the Boticario's house, returning to Rejadorada Street along The one (left) that goes almost between the junction with Calle San Andrés on the right, going around the back of the houses, today is Rejadorada (right). until reaching the Camino de la Rama on the other side of the stream (left), connecting with the old Camino de Revellinos, today the elongated one of Nueva Street (left). This last section would include part of what was the parish of San Andrew. The house of San Marcos where the school is located was also from the parish of San Pedro.

After the integration of the parishes of Santa María la Nueva and San Andrés, this parish of San Pedro was almost the largest and its parishioners were also among the wealthiest, this was evident in the church being one of the best in materials.

Parish of Santa María del Moral

The church of Santa María del Moral is mentioned for the first time in 1147, it belonged to the monastery of Eslonza, at the end of the 15th century or beginning of the 15th century a major reconstruction was carried out, at the beginning of the 20th century an extension was made. It is the only church that exists today.





annexed year

I. annexed


Sta. María del  Moral


Eslonza Monastery






Church of Santa María del Moral in 1924, after its expansion and part of its plaza


We cannot delimit the original parish limits of the parish of Santa María del Moral; perhaps it then had limits with San Martín, San Pedro and Santiago.

They were increased once, when they were sold in Santa María del Moral:

1º those of Santiago that were integrated into s. XIII, which disappears, that they were practically together and belonged to the same monastery of Eslonza.

Now it would have limits with San Martín, San Pedro, and San Andrés (until 1642 when it was integrated into San Pedro).

So since the s. XIII maintained its parish limits until the s. XIX 1896 that integrates the last parish limits besides it that remained at that time, those of San Pedro, El Salvador and San Martín. Well, Santa María del Moral, was built with all the limits, with it as a premonition, some time later being the only standing church.

The parish limits of Santa María del Moral ran:

Starting from the outskirts of Magdalena street all the way (right) to La Botica street, (left) going up the street (right) turning to D. Fuertes street (Costanilla street) (right), getting into the crossing. Rejadorada (Tirabragas Street), to D. Fuertes Street (right) (Costanilla Street) go down this street (right) and enter Tranquility Street. Rejadorada (right) (Tirabragas street), until again with Rejadorada street going down to the four streets (right) turn left. from Botica Street to the junction of Tentetieso Street (right), going up this street (right), until you reach Las Damas Street, continue straight through the lots surrounding the Boticario's house, returning to Rejadorada Street along The one (right) that goes almost between the junction with Calle San Andrés on the right, going around the back of the houses, today is Rejadorada (right). until you reach the Camino de la Rama on the other side of the stream (right), connecting with the old Camino de Revellinos, today the elongated one of Calle Nueva (right).

Limits of the parish of Santa María del Moral on the map towards the east, behind the  church of Santiago


This parish had under its jurisdiction the hermitages of Villarigo and San Isidro, which were the only two that were outside the urban area.

Hermitage of San Isidro

It is cited in the 16th century, it could have been from a town, it belonged to the church of Santa María del Moral, it disappeared in 1811.




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs


San Isidro

16th century

16th century

I. Sta. María del Moral



19th century-1811



Our Lady of Villarigo Hermitage

This was the church of the village of the same name mentioned in 1310, the village was depopulated between the 14th and 15th centuries, leaving only the church, becoming a hermitage dependent on the church of Sta. María del Moral, until its disappearance in the 17th century. XIX 1811.




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs




16th century-1513

I. Sta. María del Moral



19th century-1811



St. John's Parish

Church of San Juan is mentioned for the first time in 1165, it belonged to the Bishop of Astorga, of which he was the local administrator of his income in Villafáfila, at the beginning of the 18th century it integrated its boundaries with the parishes of Santa Marta, in 1775 it was suppressed as a church It becomes annexed and its limits as a parish are also integrated into the church of San Martín.





annexed year

I. annexed


San Juan


Bishopric of Astorga


Saint Peter




Location of the church of San Juan, Plaza de San Juan


We cannot delimit the original parish limits of the parish of Juan, perhaps it then had limits with Santa María la Nueva, San Martín, El Salvador.

In 1310 it ceased to have limits with Santa María la Nueva, when it stopped being a church and was integrated into San Pedro, it would now have them with it.

They were increased once, when they were sold in San Juan:

1st those of Santa Marta ceased to be a parish in 1587 s. XVI and became a rural benefit of the parishioners, its parishioners and the limits were integrated into that of San Juan, it disappeared in the s. XVIII 1710.

Now it would have limits with San Pedro, San Martín, and El Salvador.

The limits of San Juan since the integration of those of Santa Marta into it did not move any further, until they disappeared in 1775 when they were integrated into San Martín.

The parish boundaries of San Juan from 1587 to 1775 ran:

Starting from the southern limit, drawing a straight line from the east (Pozo Ramos) to Regato Street (right), from Regato Street on the (right) to Sacramento Street entering it on the (right) going up Calle los Cohetes, (right), to reach Calle Viñones, going up it (right) turning onto Calle Zamora (right) between the buildings that run between Calle El Triumph and Calle La Mora, facing Carmen Street (right) going down Triumph Street (right) passing through Eras Street (right) towards the Eras area.

Limits of the parish of San Juan, towards the south of the map in light blue place of Santa Marta


Saint Martin Parish

The church of San Martín is mentioned for the first time in 1162, it belonged to the Bishopric of Astorga, there on June 27, 1506, King Ferdinand the Catholic formed the Concordia of Villafáfila [40] . The Hermitage of Sta. María de la Magdalena , mentioned for the first time that I have found, is from 1513, located at the end of Magdalena Street, which surely came from an old unpopulated parish and its limits would have entered San Martín. In 1775, those of San Juan entered within its parish limits, which in turn were integrated into those of Santa Marta in 1587. In 1896 it was suppressed as a parish and was annexed as its parish limits to Santa María el Moral, in 1953 the church disappeared. .





annexed year

I. annexed


San Martin


Bishopric of Astorga

XIX - 1896

Sta. Mª del Moral




Sketch of the church of San Martín, northern part


Ruins of the San Martín church facade


To the left part of the church with its bell tower


We cannot delimit the original parish limits of the parish of San Martín; perhaps it then had limits with Santa María la Nueva, San Pedro, Santa María del Moral, San Miguel and El Salvador.

In 1310 it ceased to have limits with Santa María la Nueva, as it ceased to be a church and was integrated into San Pedro.

With the church of San Miguel it ceased to have limits in the 15th century, it was suppressed and its parish limits were also integrated into the church of El Salvador.

Perhaps they were increased twice, when they were sold in San Martín:

1º Those of the hermitage of Sta. María de la Magdalena, which is mentioned for the first time that I have found, is from 1513, located at the end of Magdalena street, which surely came from an old unpopulated parish. Already in 1730 it was completely collapsed, so the bishop gave permission to close and wall up the site where the hermitage was, placing a cross inside. It belonged to the church of San Martín, within its parish limit.




B. Church


annexed year

I. Belongs


St. Mary of the Magdalene


16th century-1513

I. San Martin



18th century-1730



2º The limits of San Juan that had been integrated with those of Santa Marta since 1585, were integrated into San Martín in 1755.

Which increases its limits against San Pedro and El Salvador.





annexed year

I. annexed


San Juan


Bishopric of Astorga


Saint Peter




The parish boundaries of Martín from 1513 to 1775 ran:

Starting from the outskirts of Magdalena street all the way (left) to La Botica street, (left) going up the street (Left) crossing the entire main square on the triquete side to Rejadorada street, (left) .) taking La Fabrica street (left), entering Los Cohetes street (left), continuing along Viñón street (left), towards Zamora street (left), crossing inside the houses (left .) from la Mora street to exit onto El Carmen street (left) and go back before the last houses on del Carmen street through the interior of the houses on del Rosario street (left) exiting to the (left) from the street next to the San Marcos area (which belongs to San Pedro) to turn again inside the things parallel to Magdalena street to the outskirts where the hermitage of Santa María Magdalena was located .

Limit of the parish of San Martín and location of the hermitage of Santa María de la Magdalena


When those from San Juan joined in 1775, until 1986, in addition to those they already had, they ran:

Starting from the southern limit, drawing a straight line from the east (Pozo Ramos) to Regato Street (right), from Regato Street on the (right) to Sacramento Street entering it on the (right) going up Calle los Cohetes, (right), to reach Calle Viñones, going up it (right) turning onto Calle Zamora (right) between the buildings that run between Calle El Triumph and Calle La Mora, facing Carmen Street (right) going down Triumph Street (right) passing through Eras Street (right) towards the Eras area.

Parish limits of San Martín from 1775 alienated those of San Juan until 1986


This is how the limits of San Martín reached the s. XIX 1896 that disappeared when they were sold in Santa María del Moral.

Parish of El Salvador

The church of El Salvador is mentioned for the first time in 1310, it belonged to the parishioners.

We cannot delimit the original parish limits of the parish of San Martín, perhaps it then had limits with San Juan, San Miguel and San Martín.

Its limits were increased a few times, when the Savior was alienated:

Those of the church of San Miguel in the 15th century were suppressed and its parish limits were also integrated into the church of El Salvador, which disappeared in the 16th century.





annexed year

I. annexed


San Miguel


Sahagun Monastery


The Savior




It would increase limits against San Martín, or possibly with San Juan. In 1775 he increased more limits against San Martín by alienating those of San Juan.

In s. XIX 1896 on June 3 it was suppressed, it became annexed to the church of Santa María del Moral, and its limits were integrated as a parish. In 1903 it was dismantled and disappeared.





annexed year

I. annexed


San Salvador




Sta. Mª del Moral




Location of the El Salvador church, in the Plaza de el Salvador


Sketch of the church of El Salvador


Location of the church of San Miguel, in the Plaza de San Miguel “el Corrillo”


Boundaries of the parish of El Salvador Church and location of the Church of San Miguel


The parish limits of El Salvador since s. XV that added Santiago until 1896 ran:

Starting from Las Eras de San Juan, to Las Eras Street (right) to El Triumph Street corner of Botica Street to El Carmen Street (right) cross to the left. between the middle of Calle el Triunfo and Calle la Mora, up to Calle Zamora, it goes back inside the first houses on Calle la Mora, to go up to the first houses on Calle el Carmen, and passes to the other side of the street delimiting the first houses on Calle el Triunfo in a parallel direction to the first houses on Calle El Rosario, to cross towards the first houses on Plaza de San Miguel and continue along the line of Calle la Carrerina.


José Luis Domínguez Martínez. © ® bull

Parish limits of the churches of Villafáfila. -

This work is based on the data provided by Mr. Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez.


Bibliography - texts

Manuel de la Granja Alonso and Camilo Pérez Bragado:

Villafáfila: History and current events of a Castilian-Leonese town and its parish churches. nineteen ninety six.


Manuel de la Granja Alonso:

The art of a Castilian-Leonese town: Villafáfila. 2008.


Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez: Ecclesiastical Chapter - Brotherhood of San Gervasio and San Potasio -


Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez:

Magdalena Hermitage. -


Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez:

Brotherhood of Our Lady of Villarigo -


Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez:

Magdalena Hermitage. -


Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez:
Personal data of the churches of Villafáfila, parish boundaries, map of its delimitation.

Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez and José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Ermita de la Vera Cruz. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Church of Santa María del Moral. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Church of Santiago -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez.
Church of San Martin. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Church of San Juan. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Church of San Juan. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Church of San Pedro. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Church of San Miguel. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez,
Santa María la Nueva Church - hermitage. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez: Church of San Andrés. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Church of Santa Marta. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:
Iglesia El Salvador. -

José Luis Domínguez Martínez:

San Isidro Labrador Brotherhood -


Photographs and lithographs :

Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez.

Manuel de la Granja Alonso

José Luis Domínguez Martínez.


Transcription , assembly , layout :

José Luis Domínguez Martínez.


All text, photographs , lithographs , transcription , assembly and layout , the rights belong to their authors, any type of use is prohibited without authorization.

All text and photographs and lithographs have been authorized for storage, treatment, work, transcription , assembly and layout to José Luis Domínguez Martínez, their dissemination on © ® toro , and any media deemed authorized.

[1] Vignau. 1885: doc.78.

[2] Vignau, 1885: doc. 14.

[3] Quintano Prieto, 1987: doc. 682.

[4] Serrano, 1927: doc.59.

[5] Alfonso Anton. 1986: doc. 23.

[6] Fernández Flórez, 1993 doc. 1544.

[7] ADA Particulars No. 565.

[8] Flórez, 1742. Sacred Spain Volume XVI: 510.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.

[11] ADA Particulares no. 565. This hermitage was previously a church until 1310.

[12] Archive of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid. Civil Lawsuits. Zarandona and Walls 1353-8 olv.

[13] Flórez, 1742. Sacred Spain Volume XVI: 510. This hermitage was previously a church until the town of Villarigo, which was located east of Villafáfila, approximately 2km away. just beyond the Roman bridge or Villarigo.

[14] Archive of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid. Civil Lawsuits. Zarandona and Walls 1353-8 olv. Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez: I suspect that Magdalena would have been an ancient parish, although I have not found documentation, due to the fact that its territory is mentioned in an episcopal visit at the end of the 16th century.

[15] Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez Brigecio: magazine of studies of Benavente and its lands ,  ISSN  1697-5804,  Nº 13, 2003 , pp. 91-120. (pp. 91-101), -

Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez: I think it was a small separate term that was not integrated into the jurisdiction of Villafáfila.

[16] Archive of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid. Civil Lawsuits. Zarandona and Walls 1353-8 olv.

[17] Ibid.

[18] Ibid.

[19] Diocesan Archive of Astorga. Index. Individuals No. 565. It is cited for the first time 1307. This is a donation made by Francisco Juanes de Villafáfila, a resident of Muélledes, and his wife to the bishop of Astorga of an orchard in Villafáfila, with its trees, well and other accessories, citing among its boundaries: “land of Santa María la Nueva” . Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez: Santa María la Nueva. -

[20] The Santa María la Nueva church is mentioned for the last time as a parish in the signing of a contract between the Chapter of the Cathedral of Astorga and the bishop Don Alfonso II regarding the Cillero that Villafáfila had, with the Infante of Castile Don Juan, the infante, gave the bishop the martiniegas of Bierzo, the church of Toral and 2,000 mrs. and the bishop handed over the Cillero of Villafáfila, the tercia, for life: “an orchard that lies near Santa María la Nueva .Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez: Santa María la Nueva. -

[21] Archive of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid. Civil Lawsuits. Zarandona and Walls 1353-8 olv.

[22] Currently: Parcel Concentration Maps of Villafáfila, polygon 7, farm 5017 location of the Vera Cruz hermitage

[23] The precise location of its location is known thanks to oral tradition, from old neighbors who heard it from their parents. Particularly to Mauro Vicente Costilla (RIP), it had been passed on to him by his father, to whom the site of the old hermitage, known as the Hall, or the Humilladero, belonged.

[24] The oldest reference to the True Cross is indirectly from 1490, since in the deed of expense that was made in the will of Yván de Collantes, which: “Fallesçio a sabado treçe dias del month de hebrero de 1490 ” .

[25] Flórez, E. España Sagrada, Madrid, volume XVI, writing XLI, page. 508 and 509. “our Cillero de Villafáfila with all our rights that belong to our Messa” ; “ of the Church of Villarigo…” .

[26] Lib. Fab. Saint Mary, 1805-1853. p. 19. “360 reales from the tile that was sold from the Chapel of Our Lady of Villarigo”

[27] Archive of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid. Civil Lawsuits. Zarandona and Walls 1353-8 olv. The first mention is from 1513 along with the other hermitages of the town and outside the walls, when Collantes' widow, María Vázquez, died, leaving a command in her will : “To the Vera Cruz to Sª Mª de Villarigo to Sª Mª Madalena to Sª Marta “Here is Sª Mª la Nueva, hermits of this town, to each one royal means for their works .

[28] Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez (Villafáfila 1958) Historian ofVillafáfila.

[29] Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez: Personal data.

[30] Lib. Fab. Santa María del Moral 1805-1853, page. 20. “that its transfer cost 30 reales and its placement, 170 and a half reales .

[31] Vicente Vignau. Cartulary of the Monastery of Eslonza. 1885, doc. CXXV.

[32] AHN OO.MM. Book 1093 fº 132 –143

Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez. The Concord of Villafáfila. June 27, 1506: II Villafáfila in 1506. Page 88 .

[33] Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez (Villafáfila 1958) historian of Villafáfila.

[34] AHN OO MM 1090.

[35] Mr. Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez (Villafáfila1954), son of the Villa and historian of it. Delimited map through the studies of it. 

[36] Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez (Villafáfila 1954), son of the Villa and its historian. Realization of the limits of the Parishes of Villafáfila.

[37] Vignau, 1885: doc. 14.

[38] ADA Particulars No. 565.

[39] Alfonso Anton. 1986: doc. 23.

[40] Elías Rodríguez Rodríguez: The Concord of Villafáfila. June 27, 1506. Institute of Zamorano Studies, Florián de Campo. 2006. -